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Top DJs sounds stolen

Published by posted by site on 2004/9/17 (2340 reads)

Last few days have had various reports coming in of various going ons. In an attempt to clear up the situation have posted the below. Northern djs top sounds stolen At a recent event at the Rocket venue in London, two of the most respected and famous Northern Soul DJs fell victim to one of the most underhand "soul" crimes around. The two djs concerned were Butch and Ady Croasdell, both are considered amongst the top northern soul djs, and prime forces in the northern soul scene since the 1980s right up to the present day. Both djs were dj-ing as part of a northern soul section of a large scale event called Modstock being held at the Rocket venue in London.

While both djs were giving the crowd what they wanted, a non -stop selection of uptempo rare northern soul sides, as it turns out events say that instead of concentrating on the dance floor, they perhaps should have been looking over their shoulder. As while they were playing these rare 45s, that if it wasnt for their efforts would be still lost and undiscovered, behind their backs events of a very distasteful nature were taking place. It transpires that one of the worse crimes that could happen to any dj on any music scene was being carried out... they were having their top sounds stolen! Reports say that someone had wired up the decks and as each rare 45 was played, it was being recorded directly from the sound system. Once recorded these recordings were apparently passed into the hands of two shady characters, both infamous as two of the worse soul bootleggers in the uk. As some of the tracks recorded were unique and have a estimated value of several thousand pounds if they were ever to come on the open market, the bootleggers must have rubbed their hands red raw as their scheme unfolded.

Already reports are coming in of other so called " djs" playing some of these stolen tracks off acetates at events. The situation is made even more controversial as its said an employee of the Rocket itself is responsible for the recordings of these tracks. This adds a even darker side to the whole tale, as its been said that its a certain Gavin Stearn who is responsible for the recordings, who apart from being employed by the university that runs the venue, is also known for his claims to be a former bodyguard of ex-dj Ian Levine, add to this the fact Levine recently fled the northern soul scene followed by allegations of bootlegging and fraud, then this connection may cause embarrassment to some, especially as Stearn is now also now involved with promoter/record label owner Kev Roberts (Levines former partner) and is in fact billed as an attraction at a forthcoming Togetherness Weekender.

Understandably reports of this series of events have caused an outrage amongst soul fans in the uk, with many believing that even by their own low standards, this is one step too far by these bootleggers and it is now the time to stand up to these crooks.The fact that two of the main and most respected djs can have this happen to them, should really send shock waves to all who consider themselves soul fans Many are now looking at how other "well known" names and djs on the northern scene react to this news.


Poster Thread Guest Posted: 2004/9/15 13:00 Updated: 2004/9/15 13:24
answers from Gavin stearn answers from Gavin stearn orig posted Posted: 2004/9/15 13:00 1. Yes I did it
2. Ian Levine and Kev Roberts have nothing to do with this matter.
3. What do you expect when you come and play in my back yard?
4. The new untouchables tried and succeeded in sabotaging the rocket when I fully supported it, then they booked the venue is that not hypocrisy or dancing on my grave?
5. Nothing was missing so nothing was stolen
6. Their was only 4 records played that I did not already have in some sort of format
7. So for a rare soul night I was very disappointed
8. I try to spread the faith instead of keeping it all to my self.
9. I gave all the sound bites away and will continue to do so to anyone who wants them
10. I wanted it to be found out, that way you will know that I don’t forget who has done the dirty on my friends or me.
11. The magicians is crap, better left in the can, its is only liked because it is fresh.
 12. So if you don’t play by the rules don’t expect other to play by

Status: Active stomper45

Posted: 2004/9/15 14:48 Updated: 2004/9/15 14:48 Regular regular Joined: 2002/11/21 From: Dublin Posts: 74 Re: answers from Gavin stearn wow in some ways refreshing to get this out in open debate. can you explain to an outsider how the Rocket was sabotaged (was it in the same way as Crossfire)? I doubt if it was the djs whose tunes you copied without asking were responsible, or can you prove otherwise. Surely its good manners to ask if you can copy a tune from them. Sending them on to various people at no profit doesnt make that right, and has taken the "fresh" appeal from 4 i would imagine hard gained tracks on their playlists. sure this will b a hot topic, from those more closely involved
 Danny D

 Status: Active EditDeleteReply Stuart T Posted: 2004/9/15 17:28 Updated: 2004/9/15 17:28 Regular regular Joined: 2004/2/18 From: Posts: 77

Re: answers from Gavin stearn Oh Gavin youre so big and clever. Does this little bit of "vengeance" make you feel better? I dont think that many people will now forget about someone doing the dirty. It must be rather sad for you now not having anywhere to go of an evening in London as you are so committed to the northern soul scene. Out of interest, why is it that I have only ever seen you in a club in London once (granted I never went to the Rocket)? And to be frank, as you thought the comic collecting commando was such a great DJ who the hell is going to respect your opinion on whether or not a rare soul night is any good? "Their was only 4 records played that I did not already have in some sort of format" Given the company that you keep I wouldnt be surprised if this was true. However, that kind of misses the point, but I just dont think youd understand.

Status: Active Mark Bicknell Posted: 2004/9/16 19:38 Updated: 2004/9/16 19:38 Hardest Joined: 2004/6/30 From: Posts: 115

 Re: answers from Gavin stearn Here, Here Stuart.......and say so all of us, fair play to the bloke hes got some balls, rather big ones to admit to this one, or hes fucking stupid one or the other. I dont think this person is high profile enough to really bother or worry about still is a shit stunt to pull and personally in him trying to be smart and admit to this hes really closed the door for himself as he will now be viewed as not to be trusted. Spread the faith...bollocks, sorry to spread the faith you have to have it in the first place and as long as this person has a hole in his arse he will never come close to having the faith, infact such actions prove that he has little understanding what this scene and its music is about, words fail me really to be honest. Now perhaps we can put this one to bed.
 Regards - Mark Bicknell.
P.S Tape my or anyone elses records again and you better look over your shoulder pal i dont care how big you are or how clever you think you are.

Status: Active EditDeleteReply Brett Posted: 2004/9/15 21:13 Updated: 2004/9/15 21:15 Hardest Joined: 2004/2/17 From: Sheffield "Northern" England Posts: 366

Thief Quote "Gavin Stearn"......"6. Their was only 4 records played that I did not already have in some sort of format" Hey Mark what a fucking line, Sweet Creeping Jesus mate we will piss our pants at the Ducie about that one silly fucking comment......manalive as Bob Hope said " Good Comedy Writes Itself"..... On the real side of this scene Mark, my mate Neil Felton just showed me an issue of old "Ozz" beautiful label.....that my old mate is what we call a ..FUCKING FORMAT isnt it...keep it real ..
Brett Franklin Status:

Active EditDeleteReply Hippo Posted: 2004/9/16 19:38 Updated: 2004/9/16 19:38 Hardest Joined: 2004/3/3 From: Posts: 213

Re: Thief Can you remind me what the stolen tracks were? Thanks

Status: Active EditDeleteReply rollemcowboy Posted: 2004/9/22 18:29 Updated: 2004/9/22 18:29 user Joined: 2004/9/14 From: Posts: 7

Re: Thief, MORE SOUNDS STOLEN Hot on the heels of the LONDON THEFT comes news of an even worse scam. Sources reveal long running stalwart of the scene(Dave Evison) had his entire spot taped at a recent Cheshire gig. And to double up the whammy, word is, the same happened to Preston Grasshopper Johnny Pearson. Just think thats 4 DJs in the spate of 8 weeks having their top sounds taped. Speaking to a DJ appearing at Ilkeston this Friday, he commented Hopefully SOUL SOURCE will root out the perpetrators and make the scene safe again. If anyone sees any audio of Dave and Johnnys spots, could they contact SCOTLAND YARD immediately.

Status: Active EditDeleteReply KarenC Posted: 2004/9/22 18:35 Updated: 2004/9/22 18:37 Hardest Joined: 2004/4/26 From: Posts: 2737
Re: Thief, MORE SOUNDS STOLEN Well if someone trys to tape Janine and my spot at Soulsville 30th October start 8pm we wont be best pleased I can tell you Status: Active EditDeleteReply Janine Posted: 2004/9/22 18:39 Updated: 2004/9/22 18:39 Hardest Joined: 2004/3/11 From: Kent, U.K. Posts: 2832 Re: Thief, MORE SOUNDS STOLEN if anyone tapes and tries to play out the entertainer I shall be most happy... erm, sorry annoyed ;-) Actually I will be playing two exclusive tunes on the night, so wouldnt be too happy if some low life did this to me

Status: Active EditDeleteReply grant Posted: 2004/9/24 13:25 Updated: 2004/9/24 13:25 Hardest Joined: 2003/3/25 From: Stockport Posts: 339 Re: Thief, MORE SOUNDS STOLEN No offence to Dave Evison - more stupid the person taping his spot - probably most of what Dvae played is already on legit cds and a lot of his (excellent spots he does) vinyl available at reasonable prices. So what is the point? This carry on is spoiling the scene for a lot of us who have ate, drank and slept it for many, many years - lets get back to some normality and shoev your high tec taping devices where the sun dont shine Status: Active EditDeleteReply NCSoul Posted: 2004/9/24 15:44 Updated: 2004/9/24 15:44 Hardest Joined: 2003/10/30 From: Aldridge/Blackburn Posts: 112

Re: Thief, MORE SOUNDS STOLEN Hi Grant, No offence,the Cowboy post is making light of the fact that Butch and Ady had their sounds stolen and the outrage it caused on this forum. with respect Chris W

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