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Too Darn Soulful Website - Articles by Steve Guarnori

Too Darn Soulful Website - Articles by Steve GuarnoriThough the internet contiunes to grow and develop, it has to be said that it's a rare treat nowadays to stumble across a site that has you wondering why has it flown under your radar before. A recent search the other day led me to stumble across this well designed and informative website that had me saying such.

Too Darn Soulful is a site featuring past and (one or two untill now unpublished) articles by long time and regular contributor Soul Source member Steve G ( Steve Guarnori). While am sure that many are already familar of his written works as they have appeard in many magazines over the year. Its great to see a selection of them all presented in such a great way and available to easily read either straight away or afterwards in the user friendly pdf format

Steve mentions one of the aims of the site in his welcome page, where he mentions how many articles do at times become "lost"...

Makes sense to me!

Can visit site via the link below, plus the site has just been added to the https://www.soul-source.co.uk/directory


A lot of the information captured in magazine articles just quietly disappears. What do I mean by that? Well I was talking to someone the other week who asked me about a group and I said to them “Did you read the article on them?”. Not only did the person in question have no idea that there was an article written about the group, but on enquiry they learnt that the actual magazine was out of stock anyway and not going to be re-printed....

...So in an attempt to redress that loss of knowledge, I decided to publish a number of the articles that I have authored in the last few years (including a handful that have never been published) for anyone who likes rare soul music to enjoy.

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