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Times Online - Terry Christian - Return Of Northern Soul

Just in case missed it on the forums can find a new article on the Times Online website that may be of interest. Its written by Terry Christian and its titled "The Return Of Northern Soul", as you can guess it's one of those sort of mainstream features that do pop up now and again. While the title could be classed as a bit ropey, this one may be worth a look over as parts of it do go beyond the usual re-cycled mainstream approach, yep it is a bit Wigan/Revival orientated, it mentions Duffy, there's a few errors and all that, but to its credit it does takes things just a bit further along the road with a new/old sort of look at two Manchester soul venues.


But, as I walk down the steps into an almost unchanged Twisted Wheel, a blast of humidity greets me. Almost 200 soul fans are packed into the darkness. Smiles greet me as the promoter, Pete Roberts, a 1968 Wheel original, guides me through the crowded interior with not a foot of dancefloor free


Quinn eventually moved to Manchester and, along with fellow twentysomething devotees and DJs Paul Barker and Paul Walker, started up the Beat Boutique nights. “We wanted a club that might appeal to our age group. We have a monthly crowd of maybe 200-plus youngsters, mostly under the age of 25, and it's growing all the time,”


You can read the full article at the link below 



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