The Torch Allnighter Book
planned for may 2013

Over the last few months virtually every morning I have received requests for wristbands for the class of 72 reunion. From Belgium to Bognor, from Carlisle to Cambridge from Newcastle to Norwich, From Spain to St Helens the response has been as always phenomenal.
Now we've had the negative ones suggest the fact the event is virtually sold out is down to the free entry wristbands my reply is have a look at the donation buckets Sunday 28th Oct, we expect those that are attending to be as generous as previous years with the door tax donation probably exceeding what we would have taken in ticket sales. As with previous years ALL proceeds after our unavoidable expenses will be donated to charity.
While reading the aforementioned emails it became very clear how much 1972 meant to you, with many of you taking the time to share some short and ONE very long story (cheers Pig) about various escapades that went on circ 1972, with stories of 9hrs journeys to the Torch, or buying records on the balcony, stories of being chased around Tunstall Street by the DS, yep they were all part of growing up.
All though a number of venues excelled in 1972 the Torch without question became the big one and to that end bearing in mind some of the content we already have on file, we have decided with the kind permission of Chris Burton to write a book about the Torch all-nighter.
The top 50 records, scans and information supplied by two of the worlds authorities on Northern Soul, photos and personal memories by those that patronised the Torch, interviews with the DJ's.
Our intention is to have the book ready as a hard back or paper back by May 2013 via a launch party at a venue in central England.
If you would be interested in writing a few words or supplying us with photographs or memorabilia please in the first instance contact me Paul Donnelly via email and I will reply with an email outlining what we require from you, without your inclusions a book to celebrate what some consider to be the greatest underground soul music venue ever, will remain a dream.
As always all proceeds after unavoidable expenses will be donated to the 2013 Class of 72 Reunion Charity Fund
Malc, Jez and PD
site word
the cropped photo used as the header image is from chris b gallery here on soul source
can view full album here
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