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The Philly Sound : It’s Roots and History - Pre-order Now Available

The Philly Sound : It’s Roots and History - Pre-order Now Available magazine cover


When I first discussed writing a book with Weldon A McDougal III, he was adamant that the story of Philadelphia’s  ascendancy, as a ‘soul town’ should be told as he called it, ‘properly’.  I’d already written Weldon’s story as part of The Harthon Trio – A Dyno-Dynamic Tale and published that piece in Issue #4 of There’s That Beat a couple of years earlier, but Weldon kept badgering me to ‘get it all down Dave, the whole kit and caboodle!’.  For those that know Weldon he was a larger than life character who always had a penchant for looking on the bright side of life and over the years his insistence on me writing a book about Philly Soul grew.

I started making a few notes and put together a list of topics that would need to be included but then tragedy struck.  My mate Weldon passed away.  I shelved the project and went back to real life for a while until I was contacted by a guy in Sweden who owned a publishing company and had worked at CBS when the Philadelphia International Records company went global. Wilhelm from Premium Publishing in Stockholm had bought ‘There’s That Beat!’ and wanted to know if I was interested in being commissioned to write a book about….. Philly Soul!  Karma or what?

I toyed with the idea and eventually contacted Jason Thornton my friend and partner in There’s That Beat! and asked him if he thought we could pull it off. We were both, and always have been, conscious of the fact that projects we get involved in have to have production values that stand in quality next to the music we love and after a few weeks mulling it over we decided that because of our affiliation with so many Philadelphian music makers, we would accept the challenge. But we would do it our way, in full glossy colour, with as many pages as it took!

And so, began a near 6 year journey of research, interviews, hunting down people, artefacts, records and other memorabilia. When the call went out for assistance, it was met by an avalanche of goodwill from Record collectors and archivists all over the world, many soul-sourcers included.  As the project developed I made a few trips to Philadelphia and to the people there that showed immense patience with this quirky ‘Brit’, trudging round their city, who wanted every single i dotted and t crossed, I will be forever grateful.

As I drafted the text of the chapters,  Jason, whose graphic layout skills are well known to There’s That  Beat! readers,  pored over the material in order to present it as we wanted and the book began to take shape.   Whilst writing the book quite a few influential Philly musical figures have passed away and I like to think that as time went on,  despite the pressure to ‘publish and be damned’ a number of times, Jason and I held out, determined to present the stories as we planned. 


And so now in September 2016 the first edition of THE PHILLY SOUND : It’s Roots and History. All 690 full colour, A4, glossy pages is available.

The new book is now available to pre-order for a cost of £45 + £6 Shipping within UK. It ain’t cheap, but then quality never is and this tombstone of a book weighs in at 3.5kgs!

If you would like to order a copy for delivery next week :

Email me at : hitsville2648@earthlink.net.

Drop me a message here on Soul-Source

Join the books facebook page at : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1585027708465960/ or search out The PHILLY SOUND book.

Payment is via Paypal to : hitsville2648@live.com (Friends and Family please)


Bank Transfer (Details available from me)

They say a picture paints a thousand words and so I have created a video for folks to see the book before they decide to order one or not. 

Although every single person who contributed to the project is acknowledged in the book, I’d just like to thank every ‘Soul-sourcer’ that stepped up, with a scan, a story, a lead, a phone number etc . The soul world at its best!  Thank you.



The Book and the Harthon teams





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IT blows me away, in fact  leaves me choked that there are still UK guys out there who after I guess 40 odd years still have a passion that IMO the yanks cant and will never understand, will deffo be purchasing one.

Footnote..I spoke via FB with Mr McDougal weeks before his passing, we discussed via PM how the COOPERETTES-SHING A LING had a profound effect on me when I first heard it at THE TORCH, his personal reply will stay private, however it its up there with the best 10 nins ever

Thanks guys..PD

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1 hour ago, PaulDonnelly said:

IT blows me away, in fact  leaves me choked that there are still UK guys out there who after I guess 40 odd years still have a passion that IMO the yanks cant and will never understand, will deffo be purchasing one.

Footnote..I spoke via FB with Mr McDougal weeks before his passing, we discussed via PM how the COOPERETTES-SHING A LING had a profound effect on me when I first heard it at THE TORCH, his personal reply will stay private, however it its up there with the best 10 nins ever

Thanks guys..PD

Hi Paul,

Actually it was a joint effort between myself (TEXT : Brit) and Jason (Graphic Layout : American).  Jason is a committed soul fan for sure! A kindred spirit!

Hope you enjoy our work. :thumbsup:





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Looks great..just ordered and can't imagine how much time and effort, digging around, time at the computer etc has to go into a project like this. Well done..Just in time for shorter days and longer nights! cheers. Steve 

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BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE IN UK WHO PRE-ORDERED THE BOOK. The first batch have SOLD OUT! I was a bit overwhelmed with all the orders so the despatch of everyone's book is now scheduled for Friday morning. The Courier is booked and all your books are packaged, labeled and ready to go! I have ordered another batch that should be here shortly...... so you can still order one if you haven't got one en route! - Dave 




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54 minutes ago, kevinsoulman said:

i sent an email august 13th  hitsville2648@earthlink.net  never did get a reply



Hi Kev,

I didn't receive a message that I know of Mate. Try it again if you will please.






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Hi Soul-Sourcers,

A second batch of books is now en route to UK and I am now taking orders for that batch of which almost half are already sold. If anyone wants one before the Christmas rush, I'd get your order in now.  Batch 2 ordered books will be despatched on or around 5th October. Many thanks again for everyone's support, it's been fantastic! :thumbsup:






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got my copy already... what shall I say... it's AWESOME!!!! in every way! I usually start reading this kind of books here and there, where ever it suits me and what I think it's interesting right now, but with this book.. i just don't know where to start, so it seems it will be the first one I start reading from the beginning, even if it will take me months if not years. Simply the best book about Philly Soul, but that would be easy, also in my opinion the best book about Soul Music so far in general with all the graphics and pictures, all the info about records, labels, the people involved to the records, back ground stories and their sources.. to keep it short.. AWESOME and worth each penny!!! The six years the guys needed to put it on the market, you'll see the difference compared to other books in this genre.
I wish I would have had this book already in my hands three years ago when I used to live in Phila, but for now I'm a really lucky guy to hold it in my hands anyway!!
Hats off! Dave Moore and Jason Thornton ... very well done.. biggest respect!!!

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My copy arrived today , it looks an awesome piece of work , mind blowing information ,label scans and so much more .I think I need to take early retirement to work my way through it !! Well done Dave ,Jason and all involved .

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On 15/09/2016 at 19:43, Dave Moore said:

Hi Kev,

I didn't receive a message that I know of Mate. Try it again if you will please.



still no reply shall i just paypal you with my address






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9 hours ago, kevinsoulman said:


Hi Kevin,

no idea why you can't reach me on that email address Mate.  Yep, if you send the payment (Family and Friends please) by Paypal to hitsville2648@live.com (£45 +£6 Shipping) I'll add you to the database for the next batch which should be shipped on 5 Oct.  

I only have 7 copies left now of this third batch pre orders so if anyone else wants one I'd get your order in now.






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4 hours ago, BrewerytownBeats said:

Any chance a small shop in Philly can get a few copies?  please let me know - brewerytownbeats@gmail.com

Have passed your message to my publisher who is working on the US distribution network. 





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Massive thanks to everyone whose bought a book so far... brilliant responses! :thumbup:










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It's not much that get me to pop in here nowadays, life is too busy atm.  However I knew there'd be a thread about this and just had to add my voice to the clarion calls for anyone and everyone who has an interest in rare soul to do themselves a big favour and buy this book.  Dave and Jason have created an instant classic.  A reference book as well as an interesting read from my brief dip in last night.  I think this work goes beyond the narrow interests of us rare soul anoraks and will apeal to music aficionados everywhere.



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3 hours ago, ged parker said:

It's not much that get me to pop in here nowadays, life is too busy atm.  However I knew there'd be a thread about this and just had to add my voice to the clarion calls for anyone and everyone who has an interest in rare soul to do themselves a big favour and buy this book.  Dave and Jason have created an instant classic.  A reference book as well as an interesting read from my brief dip in last night.  I think this work goes beyond the narrow interests of us rare soul anoraks and will apeal to music aficionados everywhere.



Glad you like it Ged! ENJOY! :thumbsup:




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12 hours ago, Dave Moore said:

Hi Kevin,

no idea why you can't reach me on that email address Mate.  Yep, if you send the payment (Family and Friends please) by Paypal to hitsville2648@live.com (£45 +£6 Shipping) I'll add you to the database for the next batch which should be shipped on 5 Oct.  

I only have 7 copies left now of this third batch pre orders so if anyone else wants one I'd get your order in now.



thanks will do it shortly 





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ALL the stock of pre-ordered books have now Completely SOLD OUT! If you have a pre ordered book on order from me from the last batch you will be shipped the book on or around the 5/6 October as arranged. 

I have managed to negotiate a shipment from the Publisher that will be delivered to UK on 8 October.  These books will be sold on a first come first served basis so if you would like to order one just drop me a PM on here or email me at hitsville2648@earthlink.com to reserve a copy. 

The retail price on AMAZON is scheduled for £58 + Shipping with a current delivery time of 1-2 Months!

I will be able to retail the book at £50 + £6 shipping.

Payment is via bank transfer (details from me) and the shipping date for this batch is on or around the 9/10 October.  I'd strongly recommend using this opportunity if you're looking fir a Christmas Present as this may be the last time I can do this as the publisher has limited supply at this rate and I don't want to sell it any higher myself. 

BIG thanks to eveyone whose bought it already! 





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On 20/09/2016 at 07:18, Dave Moore said:

Hi Kevin,

no idea why you can't reach me on that email address Mate.  Yep, if you send the payment (Family and Friends please) by Paypal to hitsville2648@live.com (£45 +£6 Shipping) I'll add you to the database for the next batch which should be shipped on 5 Oct.  

I only have 7 copies left now of this third batch pre orders so if anyone else wants one I'd get your order in now.


just sent it thru thanks kev




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