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Its payback time for the Trading Cards! Forgive this intrusion into the usual calm and non argumentative world of Soul-Source but I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to the 250 family and friends who turned up at the Plinston for my surprise 40th birthday bash last night! To say I was surprised and didnt have a clue would be the understatement of the year, just ask anyone who was there! Rabbit in headlights time, for at least 3 hours. I didnt get a chance to say much (a first!) to most and so I thought Id post a reply here and ask it to be passed on to those who were there. My thanks firstly to everyone who came along, for the kind words, presents and cards. I couldnt belivie there were people from across the UK and America and many having taken the day off work to share in the surprise. Secondly, to all the DJs (Molly, Reg, Taffy, Lenny D, Hammie, Yogi and apologises for those Ive forgotten!) for a great selection of sounds. It wont be forgotten guys. Lastly, to my wife and Kay Seabrooke for organising it over the past year and for keeping it the best secret EVER!!!! You both did a great job and everyone had a great time. Many many thanks and all my love to you both. I am sure that the photos will be being posted shortly, including the very very young ones of TheBigO, and the words Payback loom large I think :-)) So, in conclusion, my heartfelt thanks to everyone for a wonderful surprise and night, the tears were genuine, as was my shock(!) and I shall never forget last night. All the best TheBigO * One special mention to Smoothie for the wonderful harmonica Blues solo and birthday lyrics he played for me, outstanding! Am working on getting you that T-shirt that you liked I was wearing at the last Plinston mate :-)

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