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Tainted Soul - Exhibition - Last Night Tonight

Tainted Soul - Exhibition - Last Night Tonight magazine cover

Am a bit late on this which does sort of demo that it may be worthwhile raising members awareness about using the submit news feature

Up in the gallery member Oscar C Romp has recently uploaded a few images to highlight his current exhibition

The last nite is tonight so if after a mellow Bank Holiday weekend finisher then this could be just the place, if not then hit the link and see what you are missing


Gallery album link




Event details Link


A series of drawings, paintings and prints, exploring northern soul, jazz dance and club culture down the years and at first hand, on the dance floor as a participator...There are drawings, paintings and prints form the mid 80's up to the present day, in a variety of sizes, prices ranging from £25 upwards.

A bit short notice, I know, as the show closes on 31st August. But if you live nearby, please drop by The Plough Pub has a fine selection of real ales and lager, and the food is good. They also have frequent live music as well as vinyl-only DJ nights. Well worth a vista in its own right,- specially for Sunday dinners


Edited by mike

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