Symposium on Soul Music and Community - Manchester 29th June 2012
.. people who are researching the history of Northern Soul ...

Manchester Metropolitan University is organizing a symposium and lecture on Northern Soul on 29 June at Manchester Town Hall.
It'll feature a few talks from people who are researching the history of Northern Soul, and a lecture and panel discussion with fans, DJs and others involved in or interested in Northern Soul.
A flyer is attached with a bit more detail
The event is free. If you are interested in coming along, here are the registration links
Please PM stereojet if you'd like more details
clip from above links...
Lecture by Professor Tim Wall, Birmingham City University; 'Stomping Ground: How Northern Soul Built a Dance Community' followed by panel debate chaired by Dr Katie Milestone (MMU) with fans, dancers, DJs, researchers and entrepreneurs involved in the Northern Soul scene - past and present.
Virtual, real and 'imagined' communities that are linked to Northern and Rare Soul scenes will be discussed.There is no single Northern Soul community - a significant number of first generation fans are still actively engaged with Northern Soul but over time newer communities have emerged. With a legacy approaching half a century do notions of community become increasingly linked to memory and nostalgia? We will discuss a number of questions about Northern Soul and community including debating what, in addition to the music, plays a role in forging a sense of community.We will also discuss the impact of new technologies on Soul scenes. To what extent do the profound developments in new and social media, the dissemination and consumption of music, impact on the way music fans interact with other fans/performers/DJs and others involved in Northern and Rare Soul scenes? How important is 'place' for the Soul music communities of the analogue and digital world?
8pm onwards DJ Steve Cato and friends, The Old Nags Head, Jackson's Row, Manchester. Entry ticket available for people attending the symposium/early evening debate
The event is free but booking is essential.
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