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Symposium on Soul Music and Community - Manchester 29th June 2012

Symposium on Soul Music and Community - Manchester 29th June 2012 magazine cover

Manchester Metropolitan University is organizing a symposium and lecture on Northern Soul on 29 June at Manchester Town Hall.

It'll feature a few talks from people who are researching the history of Northern Soul, and a lecture and panel discussion with fans, DJs and others involved in or interested in Northern Soul.

A flyer is attached with a bit more detail

The event is free. If you are interested in coming along, here are the registration links

Day: http://soul_symposium.eventbrite.com/

Evening: http://northernsoul_...eventbrite.com/

Please PM stereojet if you'd like more details

clip from above links...

Lecture by Professor Tim Wall, Birmingham City University; 'Stomping Ground: How Northern Soul Built a Dance Community' followed by panel debate chaired by Dr Katie Milestone (MMU) with fans, dancers, DJs, researchers and entrepreneurs involved in the Northern Soul scene - past and present.

Virtual, real and 'imagined' communities that are linked to Northern and Rare Soul scenes will be discussed.There is no single Northern Soul community - a significant number of first generation fans are still actively engaged with Northern Soul but over time newer communities have emerged. With a legacy approaching half a century do notions of community become increasingly linked to memory and nostalgia? We will discuss a number of questions about Northern Soul and community including debating what, in addition to the music, plays a role in forging a sense of community.We will also discuss the impact of new technologies on Soul scenes. To what extent do the profound developments in new and social media, the dissemination and consumption of music, impact on the way music fans interact with other fans/performers/DJs and others involved in Northern and Rare Soul scenes? How important is 'place' for the Soul music communities of the analogue and digital world?

8pm onwards DJ Steve Cato and friends, The Old Nags Head, Jackson's Row, Manchester. Entry ticket available for people attending the symposium/early evening debate

The event is free but booking is essential.




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Nothing like this when I attended the old Poly 71-74, us northern soul fans were few and far between - in fact you could count us on the fingers of one hand.

As it coincides with the monthly Wheel session might make a trip from Derby worthwhile.

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I went to a lecture he was part of a couple of years ago, quite a few of us did, Jumping Joan, Charlie Rees, and I for one found it every interesting and had a good afternoon. They guy running this grew up with Northern Soul so he does know what he is talking about.

If you are going to criticise then do so constructively and not just come out with "is me or is this sh&te" type comments.

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is it me or is this just a load of shite?

Yes just you. The question of the scene's tendancy towards nostalgia is something that comes up on here all the time and the effect of the internet on record collecting, advertising events etc...

I think cultural studies is a fascinating subject and I think the northern soul community is a worthy subject.

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Can we see the names of the experts who are topping the bill ?

from what I can see all the information is in the full article and in the links provided. Your good at links so you should be able to mange to follow a couple.

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Like Chalky said, a most enjoyable and interesting afternoon. Lucy Gibson's talk was the one I enjoyed the most. Out of all of them she was the one that I thought understood and 'got' what the scene is all about. Great bit at the end where they welcomed our questions and thoughts too.

Not at all the cringe fest I was expecting. Proper enjoyed it.

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If you read it properly , it was not me who said it was shite !

I didn't say you did say it did I? Now stick to the topic please, I'm not going to keep asking you to stay on topic, it is getting to be a pain repeating myself.

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You didn't get involved though, you simply criticised something as sh&te with no explanation. If it had been constructive or with reason then there would have been no problem, that is what debt is about.



My original thoughts were if






or even D Moore

might be appearing

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Stick to the topic ?

I asked a question about the topic and as usual you launch one of your attacks on my post

i had finished and wasn't about to post again on this suject

I'm not going to argue with you. You said just the first line of your response which to me is off topic and wasn't needed. You added the rest after I had replied.you post more off topic than anyone and like I said it is getting to be a pain. We've been in this situation before with past members, off topic is detrimental to the soul forums and puts other members off using the site. I've asked you politely via Pm and on site but still you have to have th last word....I'm not going to keep asking.

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first time i ever join in a debate and ive had several comments removed, best leave this type of thing to you intellectuals.

You didn't get involved though, you simply criticised something as sh&te with no explanation.  If it had been constructive or with reason then there would have been no problem, that is what debate is about.

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Talk about getting the wrong end of the stick. Just because Chalky's post follows yours doesn't mean it's aimed at you, he was talking about 'carty's' post.

Sorry Chalky, just can't believe Andy doesn't get it. :lol:

Anyhow, wish I could make it up to Manchester, if one is ever on at Warwick i'll go along. :thumbsup:

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Apologies i had a red marker from Chalkie in my replies ,and it put me on that post i didn't look at the name sorry again


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My original thoughts were if






or even D Moore

might be appearing

Ady did give a talk at the last one actually

This isn't about 'us', it is their take on the scene as part of a more general, social and cult thing. It was very interesting but not entirely accurate in my view, apart from Lucy Gibson.

Might go again if I'm not doing anything.

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Katie Milstone who runs this event from the MMU is a good freind and a lifelong fan of Northern soul too... Not something for everyone i am sure, as with most things...

I will open our little club over the road from 8pm to have a night of music after the event.. If you are a northern soul collector/ dj then drop me a line if you would like to play.. A cross section of Northern soul would be required to represent this event..

Its a free event, if you would like to come along to the day event then details above to add your name... If you would like to come to the soul event only then drop me a line, its a free event but we will have a guest list....

Numbers are pretty tight with us only using the front room at the Nags head.. Don't delay....


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I posted this on Ste's F.B wall (well similar theme) but..I think its interesting and hopefully they'll be a good cross-section of attendee's to reflect the numerous nuances of the scene and its participants, only because I always worry these events are populated by the main stakeholders whose 'voice' we're are already familiar with.

Increasingly the scene is linked to memory and nostalgia, but what about innervation and the future (the social media element aside - because you don't have to be young to use social media).

Easy for me to say as I'm younger than most and I've grown 'into' the scene rather than 'with it' but i'd be curious to see what would be said for 'youthful participation and agency' beyond buying records for instance - and that in-itself is a whole other topic.

should be good!

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AS I was working when the last one was on I asked if the symposium could be recorded either audio or a synopsis of the presentations made: Hence nothing happened- Again I wont be able to attend due to work which is a pity as I will be in Manchester on the Saturday so I request again that will probably fall on deaf ears!

Will someone organise for a synopsis of the presentations be made available (This is usually done from copies of the presenters papers or notes)!

Cheers Steve

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Something did happen Steve, I recorded the last one on my iPhone and uploaded to refosoul. I still have the four recordings at home.

Same could be done this time and use mixcloud?

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I am sure the papers will be made available, aint that standard with these events... With regards to if being recorded, i will also ask t Katie..

Got a couple of lads along to play some tunes afterwards, anymore want to play, no big fuss, just a cross section northern soul and a few drinks afterwards.. Drop us a line if you would like to play..


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I'd love to see the papers, I enjoyed that last one, I was talking about licensing and bootlegging rather than any sociological aspects. The speakers were good and though I didn't agree with them all on everything, which ain't ever gonna happen for any of us, thought they came up with some good observations which I might have missed from being too involved in the scene. Though not total outsiders they gave that sort of view and approached it analytically. It's not for everyone but doesn't hurt anyone and won't stop the ravers who just want a good dance; like all of us at the appropriate time and place.

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AS I was working when the last one was on I asked if the symposium could be recorded either audio or a synopsis of the presentations made: Hence nothing happened- Again I wont be able to attend due to work which is a pity as I will be in Manchester on the Saturday so I request again that will probably fall on deaf ears!

Will someone organise for a synopsis of the presentations be made available (This is usually done from copies of the presenters papers or notes)!

Cheers Steve

No idea where you get this from as Chalky quite clearly posted at the time of the last one that he had recorded the talks and that he had posted them up for people to listen to.

Maybe once again his words will fall on blind eyes!

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I'd love to see the papers, I enjoyed that last one, I was talking about licensing and bootlegging rather than any sociological aspects. The speakers were good and though I didn't agree with them all on everything, which ain't ever gonna happen for any of us, thought they came up with some good observations which I might have missed from being too involved in the scene. Though not total outsiders they gave that sort of view and approached it analytically. It's not for everyone but doesn't hurt anyone and won't stop the ravers who just want a good dance; like all of us at the appropriate time and place.

A few folk have said the link don't work to register for the conference, if you have any problems then drop me a message, i will pass on any names....

Not sure what to expect, have always given these things are miss in the pass, will pop my head in the door during the day i guess...

Still a couple of dj spots available for the after event over the road at the Nags head, as i said above, a cross section of northern required for the people at the conference and invited guests...

Drop us a line if interested..


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Had a few messages from folk going to the day event, asking for entry to night event, anyone booked in for the day event is on a list for the evening event...

Only folk who want to come to the evening event need contact me, i will then put youn on a guest list...


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.. people who are researching the history of Northern Soul ...

Manchester Metropolitan University is organizing a symposium and lecture on Northern Soul on 29 June at Manchester Town Hall.

It'll feature a few talks from people who are researching the history of Northern Soul, and a lecture and panel discussion with fans, DJs and others involved in or interested in Northern Soul.

A flyer is...

Click here to view the soul article in full

Thursday 28th 2012 planning application and meeting regarding the develooement of the site of the twisted wheel club.

We should get to know the result of the meeting after the meeting

Could be an interesting topic to bring up at the Friday symposium ?


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Dj times for the evening event...

8pm to 1am... Upstairs at The Old Nags Head... Jacksons Row, off Deansgate... Manchester... M2 5WD...

Got some names to add to guest list on the door.. A few places left if you drop me a message on here or on my facebook page... Looking forward to seeing a mixed crowd and a good section of Northern/ rare soul....

8pm.... Matty Hill

8.45.....Sam McEwen...( Black Bee soul club..)

9.30.....Dave Rivers

10.15...Carl/ Maria Willingham

11.15... Paul Bailey ( Black Bee Soul Club )

11.45... Steve Cato

12.30... Black Bee Soul club

1am.. close....

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Just a short note to say we thoroughly enjoyed the event and the DJ sets later. Didn't get to here everyone but the one's we did hear, Sam, Dave and Carl/Maria, couldn't be faulted. Great music.

Paul and Sue

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I understand there are plans to produce a publication of the papers from the day but I'm not sure when it'll appear. I'm happy to send people a pdf of my slightly shambolic paper on Dave Godin. Just send me a PM if you want a copy.

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I've PM'ed you wold love to read your paper. Anything like this interests me. The lecture I attended in Salford was really interesting.

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