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Strictly does Northern at Blackpool but looks strictly em

Strictly does Northern at Blackpool but looks strictly em magazine cover

Strictly ‘does’ Northern Soul at Blackpool this weekend , but  this trailer suggests it will be Strictly embarrassing and a missed opportunity . Im not ashamed to reveal myself as a regular viewer of SCD , which at its best is a celebration of dance , sparkle, fun,, and hopefully achievement . This trailer was aired on the BBC2 It Takes Two.., and  described by John Gilkinson Creative Choreography Director as : 

“ a great opportunity to create a bit of a battle between the Ballroom dancers and the ‘Northern Souler’s’ . It looks like they have pulled in Levant  Mc Clean to suggest some credibility which it looks to lack on both music choice and dance style. A real missed opportunity by the BBC /SCD to fuse the countries weekly TV dance fest with some of us who have been embracing the power of dancing for years. Don’t shoot the messenger on this. 

For those of you who are not Strictly viewers Id put in a case for you checking out the show for the superb orchestra of Dave Arch and his soulful singers. Tommy Blaize ,Lance Ellington, Andrea Grant and Hayley Sanderson pull out some fantastic covers over the years . Band leader Dave Arch is reported to have played piano in the National Youth Jazz Orchestra and he continues to play jazz piano at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club with vocalist Madeline Bell.

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It was cringeworthy to say the least - all it will do is bring in even more drunken handbaggers - for a while anyway - then hopefully they'll all move on & head back to the handbaggers town centre night clubs.......People are right when they blame the film for the explosion in popularity of Northern, although I have to admit that I watched it. Wish the Beeb & the advertisering companies would just leave the Northern scene alone - sickening to hear some of my favourite tunes used to advertise DIY stuff..... Loved the scene when it was underground but it's all becoming too popular now - seems like every man & his dog claims to be into Northern!

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On 18/11/2017 at 09:45, John A said:

Because all the clowns on the scene love to put it "out there" can barely listen to radio 2 these days without some dickhead requesting the Snake.

Ken Bruce played The Snake this morning lol

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To Steve Lane and other S>S. chums ,Idid watch it here goes ; Commenced with the adorable Anton Du Bec replete in a teddy boy outfit ,lounging on the back seat of a period coach listening to Sgt. Wilsons Fave tune,on his Cassette player .Shot pans to entrance to Tower ballroom, sign reads *Northern Soul All Nighter * Ecstatic gang charge in.So far So bad . Cue Short burst of acrobatic /Gymnastics ,No Levana ? Enough of that cut to the real stars the Strictly Pro dancers ,dressed in lumberjack shirts and clip on braces they launch int o what they love OTT over exuberant pastiche of Hollywood Musicals of the 40s mixed with Fame /Flashdance High kicking girls and mucho 7 brides For & Brothers /Tommy Cannon ,Braces Twanging! Finally Lovely Anton ,reigns supreme ,Top dancer ! his ecstatic followers launch him shoulder height exit triumphant to adoring crowds!

It was Bad ,Truly Bad. But hey 8 Million watch it 7 nights a week ,me I would rather chew on Wombats testicles ,Now Thats Entertainment!

{P.S .my Insiders inform me a more representative take was filmed ,with decent dancers {the initial publicity blurb shown on soul source ,would suggest this to be the case}

P.P.S Northern Soul The musical Live on Tour ?


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16 hours ago, MsSoulie said:

The two young Dj,s are Pete Jones and Alex Simms Simpson. Both good lads . Both influenced by their parents and both can dance as well. No fancy dress either. Top blokes.


I knew that and have known them for years and their parents, yes Alex has stopped wearing fancy dress, he saw the light or Heather told him to behave and yes they can dance,we all could at 20 something, infact some of us were brilliant.


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Not as bad as I thought, just a handful of fame trippers stuck at the back basking in the glory of TV & the shame of the Scene but it was over in 3 minutes tops, bet some fool asks, "Do you spin on your head?", in the 70's YES, in my 60's NO.

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The  born again northern devotees (Johnny come latelys) will be further encourage to enter our places of worship seeking refuge from the local pubs and clubs seeking out our treasured sounds cuttin rug and becoming one of the family. Happy ending and thank you strictly cum lately for turning the spotlight on northern once underground music scene. No drinks on the dance floor not forgetting your handbags please, oh to late there pissed.


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Hi soulman62, just wondering why you have given me a down vote for pointing out that the SCD take on the scene is so cringeworthy, my view seems to be in line with the majority of the posters. cheers rich.

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I totally get that is programe is awful and so on. No one wants to see an influx of drunk people with no interest in soul music.My question is and i maybe taking this in another direction but can a person only enjoy northern soul if they where there when it started?do they have the right part way in there life to show a serious interest in the music and dance or is it just for the ancient rare soul village dewellers? 

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At least half the 'tribe' were not there....more likely youth club soulies who jumped on the bandwagon.

No problem for me, but don't wear a badge if you did not go so to speak.

There has always been them and us..... 

Always will be.


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6 hours ago, John Hart said:

To Steve Lane and other S>S. chums ,Idid watch it here goes ; Commenced with the adorable Anton Du Bec replete in a teddy boy outfit ,lounging on the back seat of a period coach listening to Sgt. Wilsons Fave tune,on his Cassette player .Shot pans to entrance to Tower ballroom, sign reads *Northern Soul All Nighter * Ecstatic gang charge in.So far So bad . Cue Short burst of acrobatic /Gymnastics ,No Levana ? Enough of that cut to the real stars the Strictly Pro dancers ,dressed in lumberjack shirts and clip on braces they launch int o what they love OTT over exuberant pastiche of Hollywood Musicals of the 40s mixed with Fame /Flashdance High kicking girls and mucho 7 brides For & Brothers /Tommy Cannon ,Braces Twanging! Finally Lovely Anton ,reigns supreme ,Top dancer ! his ecstatic followers launch him shoulder height exit triumphant to adoring crowds!

It was Bad ,Truly Bad. But hey 8 Million watch it 7 nights a week ,me I would rather chew on Wombats testicles ,Now Thats Entertainment!

{P.S .my Insiders inform me a more representative take was filmed ,with decent dancers {the initial publicity blurb shown on soul source ,would suggest this to be the case}

P.P.S Northern Soul The musical Live on Tour ?


Nicely put, but you missed the badges...lots and lots of them stuck on their tops to convey vast experience of dancing at Allnighters up and down the country...

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2 hours ago, dodo records said:

I totally get that is programe is awful and so on. No one wants to see an influx of drunk people with no interest in soul music.My question is and i maybe taking this in another direction but can a person only enjoy northern soul if they where there when it started?do they have the right part way in there life to show a serious interest in the music and dance or is it just for the ancient rare soul village dewellers? 

A person can enjoy the music wherever they come from, i wouldn't worry about it - go to events and dance, buy original vinyl (it's not all dead expensive) and do your own thing - my experience is most people at soul events are really nice - it's the handbaggers and drunks who ruin it ( and them who rush to grab a table and sit down all night yacking - that must annoy DJ's?) - if you enjoy Northern Soul and dancing to it good for you, carry on with your passion for it

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Maybe just maybe,  now the BBC have given their viewers a taste  of something that they think they understand , they will follow it up by throwing a lot of money at a in depth documentary  about the scene and especially about the music  , but l won't be holding my breath 🎶🎶🎶

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Loads of good documentary's about music made by the BBC , lots of knowledgeable people and articles on here for  starters🎶

20 minutes ago, shufflin said:

^^ would that not be more of the same though? they'd just use the usual suspects?


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The people that need to know allready do, so any intrusion is unnessary no matter how well meaning .

The media have never done us any favours we should not do them any .

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Music is a art form that needs to be documented for future generations to enjoy  ,whether or not they will understand it is another matter  🎶🎶

58 minutes ago, Mark S said:

The people that need to know allready do, so any intrusion is unnessary no matter how well meaning .

The media have never done us any favours we should not do them any .


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11 hours ago, Kathryn Magson said:

It was cringeworthy to say the least - all it will do is bring in even more drunken handbaggers - for a while anyway - then hopefully they'll all move on & head back to the handbaggers town centre night clubs.......People are right when they blame the film for the explosion in popularity of Northern, although I have to admit that I watched it. Wish the Beeb & the advertisering companies would just leave the Northern scene alone - sickening to hear some of my favourite tunes used to advertise DIY stuff..... Loved the scene when it was underground but it's all becoming too popular now - seems like every man & his dog claims to be into Northern!

I asked my dog & he denied being into Northern maybe he was embarrassed :wub: as I bet he secretly watched it :ohmy:


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36 minutes ago, Spain pete said:

Music is a art form that needs to be documented for future generations to enjoy  ,whether or not they will understand it is another matter  🎶🎶


The music has been well documented for years . A music that was rejected or poorly promoted in its day and discovered by our contemporarys without the media who dont get it and never will .

Forty odd years ago I would never have envisaged that there would still be a scene and thats precious to me  and we should be protective of it .

The silly fame whores that get off on the media thing know the value of nowt and just want their 15 mins , youtube is full of videos that add no value to the scene and leave us open to ridicule .

Its all gone to shit .

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5 minutes ago, Mark S said:

The music has been well documented for years . A music that was rejected or poorly promoted in its day and discovered by our contemporarys without the media who dont get it and never will .

Forty odd years ago I would never have envisaged that there would still be a scene and thats precious to me  and we should be protective of it .

The silly fame whores that get off on the media thing know the value of nowt and just want their 15 mins , youtube is full of videos that add no value to the scene and leave us open to ridicule .

Its all gone to shit .

Mark you said this 1 hour ago

Just enjoy what we have the future dont matter . The handfull of kids around its just an alternative fad for them by 2060 I bet they wont be reminising about how the soul scene shaped their lives for the last 40 years .

At the end of the day its a youth culture that has somehow exeded all our expectations have fun .

I agree with that analogy so what bought about the sudden change?


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No change Kirsty I ticked the no publicity box . Huge difference between pontificating the scenes future and the shamefull exploitation that we witness now .

Thats clever mixing threads ;)

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I've not watched it. Never seen strictly before; why would I start now? 

As is my entitlement in the modern idiom, I reserve my right to be outraged and devastated anyway. Also to blame promoters who had sod all to do with it....

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21 hours ago, source team said:

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These types of programmes even though embarrassing and leave northern soul devotees open to ridicule the biggest embarrassment is going on in local social clubs every weekend , people getting dressed up , playing clapped out oldies and buying bootlegs and stupid merchandise.

Tuned in to my local radio station on Saturday for the local football it was followed by a guy called John Kaye playing records that were mostly clapped out in the late seventies with requests from people quoting '' keep the faith ''  ffs.

You have only to look at the pictures on here at some of the clubs do,s they are more akin to a  pensioners birthday party than a northern soul night.


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Well what did you all expect the retro side of the scene is a joke to many that saw it through the dark days .They crave 5 minutes of fame .The people who promote these venues welcome the publicity as the more handbaggers that enter the bigger the cash haul no longer about the music pushing the scene forward .then the people who attended are first to moan if we mock what was the best underground scene in the world .Now it's come to this .I know many will say don't attend if you don't like it .I don't and haven't for around 10 years choosing venue's that cater for the forward thinking crowd. 

So I say this don't complain when we mock you as you have helped destroy what was the best scene in the UK


Rant over

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I'll have you know Anton De Bec has one of the biggest Northern Soul bootleg collections in the country and he went to a holiday camp when he was six for his summer holiday so it's in his blood lol

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The music IMO can never be documented enough , l have met and known countless people who had  merely scratched the surface of soulful music that now are the most passionate people in the world  because somebody had the passion their self , to spread the word , music is for everybody and not owned by people that were there at the start of some scene . 🎶🎶✌

15 hours ago, Mark S said:

The music has been well documented for years . A music that was rejected or poorly promoted in its day and discovered by our contemporarys without the media who dont get it and never will .

Forty odd years ago I would never have envisaged that there would still be a scene and thats precious to me  and we should be protective of it .

The silly fame whores that get off on the media thing know the value of nowt and just want their 15 mins , youtube is full of videos that add no value to the scene and leave us open to ridicule .

Its all gone to shit .


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5 hours ago, shinehead said:

These types of programmes even though embarrassing and leave northern soul devotees open to ridicule the biggest embarrassment is going on in local social clubs every weekend , people getting dressed up , playing clapped out oldies and buying bootlegs and stupid merchandise.

Tuned in to my local radio station on Saturday for the local football it was followed by a guy called John Kaye playing records that were mostly clapped out in the late seventies with requests from people quoting '' keep the faith ''  ffs.

You have only to look at the pictures on here at some of the clubs do,s they are more akin to a  pensioners birthday party than a northern soul night.


Keep the Faith..................i`ve always found that cringeworthy whatever it`s actual meaning.

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33 minutes ago, Spain pete said:

The music IMO can never be documented enough , l have met and known countless people who had  merely scratched the surface of soulful music that now are the most passionate people in the world  because somebody had the passion their self , to spread the word , music is for everybody and not owned by people that were there at the start of some scene . 🎶🎶✌


Hi Pete

 True there are lots of brilliant people out there that are busy documenting the music many of which are on this site and provde a great resource for all to use . Long may that continue .

What gets peoples hackles up is the crass missrepresentation of the Northern soul scene as we have just witnessed . 

Its got nothing to do with age or ownership simply put its wrong 

Mark .


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It was underground in its day due to rare records boots not played as acceptable and gear. Today everyone is a dj ok to play boots and gear is locked in cupboard as if it never happened. Many go who didnt nowt wrong with that but an underground scene why would it be without the above very commercialised and set to become more so and a good scene for lonley singles to meet up but still some bloody great venues amongst it all

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Rare records,  Scene. gear ,exclusivity,  we've all moved on, any one that is around today , still here and still believing  and still listening, surely realise it's all about the music , soul music !.   ITS WHAT'S IN THE GROOVE 🎶🎶🎶


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C'mon guys you're sounding like a load of grumpy old gits! If a couple of young kids watching Strictly get to hear some northern sounds for the first time and are excited by it and get hooked then it can only be a good thing. It saddens me to see so much negativity elitism and inverted snobbery. There are many ways for people to discover exiting "new" music and find a tribe they identify with and want to belong to. How else does "new blood" join the "scene"? By invitation only? Like The Masons? Someone born in 2001 can hardly be classed as a "johnny come lately" do they have to apologize for being "born too late"? Are you happy for the scene to die out with your generation denying so many kids the chance to feel as we do? So what if it's the result of hearing it on a TV ad, in a movie or on a cheesy (very well produced) TV show.? Can I remind folks that it's no longer 1973 when guys had a bath once a week whether they needed it or not and reality check- 1973 was a pretty crap year for most folks- miners on strike families struggling 3 day week and those power cuts! Thank god it's 2017 we have central heating and the wonder that is the internet. I've been able to discover so much more fantastic music and to connect with like minded people. The rose coloured glasses worn by so many and longing nostalgia for a wonderful time back in 19blahblah really only exists in the heavily edited and very faulty memories of our rapidly ageing bodies along with arthritis and prostate trouble!

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Didn't we go through this in 1975 with Footsee, Wigans Ovation etc. Plus Major National newspapers, including the Sunday Times, doing spreads about the scene. There was a relatively large influx of "Divs", "Sightseers" etc. The floor at the casino full of sleeping people. It didn't last long until normality reigned again, and the papers found something else. What we did get are many people who realised that there was something about the music, and the scene in general, so they stayed, and I think that many are still around nowadays.

This is just an observation. I don't really attend many venues nowadays, but respect to those who do.




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