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Stepping out of the picture.

 Thanks to everyone who came along and parted with their hard earned cash. One or two moans I see were put up on chat groups but you cant keep everybody happy. The thing is its always the same people, moan moan moan bla bla bla. They played too many oldies, they played too many unknowns.....christ! how did i manage 4 years? Anyway im taking this time to Annouce my departure from The CSC (last one being the 4th Anniversary).

Stepping out of the picture.

Reviews of last CSC In Sept. ( link no longer valid)

 Thanks to everyone who came along and parted with their hard earned cash. One or two moans I see were put up on chat groups but you cant keep everybody happy. The thing is its always the same people, moan moan moan bla bla bla. They played too many oldies, they played too many unknowns.....christ! how did i manage 4 years? Anyway im taking this time to Annouce my departure from The CSC (last one being the 4th Anniversary). As far as im concerned enough is enough and after having many Battles with the Dome managment the last thing i need to hear is the continuous moans from Ar*eholes who never do anything for the scene but take take take. The Ego heads,snobs who lurch in the corners and just slag everything off and stab you in the back when they can. This is not the only reason im stepping down but they have played there part so to speak.

One other DJ will also be stepping down but i will leave that to him to annouce in his own time. The Anniversary will be the last time the Orginal line is together. Thank you to all the members for your Loyal support over the past 4 years & a massive thank you to all the Dancers as without them we would of stopped years ago.

 My understanding at this point is that Alan will now step in and continue the club after Anniversary. We are all still great friends and I would like to wish Alan all the best. Though Alan im not sure about that Big Chief record mate LOL.

Greg (Co Founder & DJ)

My Motto which would always be written in behind the decks was...Its not about impressing the few but impressing the many.

Cheers it was good until it became a job and the fun was no longer there.

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Nickg Posted: 2003/10/7 16:30 Updated: 2003/10/7 16:30 user Joined: 2002/8/26 From: Peterborough Posts: 7

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! Sad news indeed. Thanks for the memories Greg. Cheers Nick Gilbert

daved Posted: 2003/10/7 17:13 Updated: 2003/10/7 17:13 user Joined: 2002/9/2 From: Posts: 10

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! Say it aint so Greg. The majority appreciate you and would want you to continue.

Cheers Dave Dixon

in town Mikey Posted: 2003/10/8 10:51 Updated: 2003/10/8 10:51 Joined: 2003/1/30 From: Posts: 25

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! I have been afraid of this. Since Shoreditch and the beginning of the CSC, it has been one of, if not, THE BEST, soul nights I have been to in the 27-28 years I have been listening to rare soul music. As has often been the way, some soul people do not seem to want to appreciate what they have until it has gone. If this club had been in a northern town it would already have legendary status. As it is, myself and the thousands who have been there, have been treated to some of the best new discoveries and best soul nights in the last 4 1/2 years. New Djs have been introduced bringing their sounds and styles. All have been given the chance by forward thinking soul fans running a forward thinking soul club. Just look at the ages of many of the people in there. It is refreshing and a life blood for the future. It is a shame that this time has come, but as I said at the start, it isnt sirprising. How much moaning can people take. I want to say publically, thanks Greg. It has been a great past 4 years, and the twice monthly night has helped boost Northern Soul in the capital to higher level, thanks to all the CSC guys. I know Alan will continue to run it at least as well in the future, and hopefully some of these people who think that soul nights are just there to be moaned about, will either run a better one, or shut the fuck up!

Guest Posted: 2003/10/8 14:01 Updated: 2003/10/8 14:01

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! Sorry to read youre leaving Greg. Ive only been to the Dome 3 times, but each time the evening has been great. September 2002 was the first soul night Id been to for a very long time and it started me going out to clubs again. Thank you and the other DJs for bringing great music to us. Good luck on any new ventures. I am sure Alan will keep up the good work

Guest Posted: 2003/10/8 17:41 Updated: 2003/10/8 17:41

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! CSC @ Shoreditch was my return to N.S. after about 15years away, thanks Janet , never realised what I was missing till I came back. Most people appreciate what you have done Greg, & together with the other guys you should be proud of what you have achieved. Best wishes to you & the traveller & good luck to Alan + one ( cor blimey this is getting cryptic) for the future of CSC


Guest Posted: 2003/10/8 19:22 Updated: 2003/10/8 19:22

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! i have loved northern soul since i was a liitle girl did my 1st nighter at 15 at the queens hall in bradford and have been to most venues across the country,i discovered the capitol a few years ago and couldnt believe that something so different, young,and full of energy was going on away from the baggy trouser brigade! i think it offered something unique that i have still not found at any other, the balls to break lots of new sounds ,a real mix of style,sound and people, i feel sad for some of the people that spend all of there social enjoyment moaning to djs that put hours of there own time organising these events for there pleasure!who should i feel be thanked ,for keeping the faith, and giving us nights to look forward to, i think irish greg leaving is a great loss ,and i know the leicester massive will miss him greatly! please stop moaning!!!

kay ..leicester

Guest Posted: 2003/10/8 19:43 Updated: 2003/10/8 19:43

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! I can understand why Greg feels its time to go. He is probably the last of the young guns (early 30s) as the rest of the scenes major DJs are getting on with some touching mid Fifties. The Dome will never be the same again as with any break up in life. Hey theres still the 4th Anniversary! I really hate all those idiots who slag peoples efforts off all the time, you notice also they never have an original idea of there own. Funny that isnt it? Dont look back in anger


Guest Posted: 2003/10/9 2:50 Updated: 2003/10/9 2:50

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! Greg! Of course, the best thing for you is go where you will be appreciated, so move to Sydney Australia where youll be part of the worlds best soul scene AS WELL AS being the best place to live!!! Well welcome you matey!!! All UK soulies with thoughts of emigrating to Australia can email me at soulaustralia@hotmail.com

Guest Posted: 2003/10/9 10:27 Updated: 2003/10/9 10:27

Re: Capitol Soul Club news flash! Being a regular since the Capitol began in Shoreditch, I would just like to thank Greg firstly for putting on this club and secondly for playing such outstanding oldies and brilliant newies throughout the clubs years. I know you will always be a collector of fine tunes and may you continue to DJ so we can hear them.

irish-greg Posted: 2003/10/9 12:21 Updated: 2003/10/9 12:21 user Joined: 2003/8/1 From: Posts: 2

Re: Thank you. First of all can i just say a big thank you for all the above kind words. At this moment i am recommending a certain DJ to replace me, the final decision is with Al. This dj is highly rated by myself and is a genuine nice bloke. I would never leave The Club i have spent 5 years working on just to collapse so DONT PANIC all will be ok and maybe the club with some new faces will find more new discs and reactivate more forgotten tunes. I will continue to DJ at the odd venue

laters all Greg.

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