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Spyder Turner - Tell me (crying over you) and Pree - Suddenly there's you - both now available on 45

Spyder Turners Tell me (crying over you) and Pree's Suddenly there's you now available on 45

Hi everybody - I have finally managed to configure Pay Pal and my Bandtraxs blog to feature the 7"/45rpms

I have for sale of Spyder Turners 'Tell me (crying over you), and Pree's 'Suddenly there's you'.

I can tell you this has been one hell of a journey and today I wandered around central London enquiring in Soho record shops about possible wholesale interest. There is some, but I have to compromise on price a little. All part of the learning curve I guess. However, the two singles are now ready for dispatch (after the postal strike).

They have the instrumental on the 'B' side, and the labels are black ink on white paper. That is all I could afford. The price I am charging does not reflect any recovery of session costs, as that was my personal project.

These sales include UK postage only at the moment and I may, once I see the reaction, increase the price a little. This will secure a better performer royalty etc, for those that helped me out with this last year.

They really were great to work with and I do not want to let them down.

Here is the url and the purchase details are on the right hand side:


If you like the songs and purchase anything, you will be pleased to know that your payment, indirectly, has appropriated much needed funds to various parts of the business from the studio hire and their employees/Detroit musicians union/musicians/performers/record manufacture/UPS Freight/ Royal Mail etc.....

I could go on and on and on....and probably do.

Don't forget you can hear these two tracks here for appraisal:


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