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Jumping Joan

Have caught Joans soul outputs a fair few times over the last 18 months or so, have seen her saving nighters, winding up the monkey, dancefloor destruction at New Century, being just a few times have caught her, always a pleasure to hear and see a passionate and enthusastic dj
Managed to grab a few current plays of her over the weekend along with a couple of cheap tips and forthcoming spots.

A rough and ready, dark and mysterious video clip of Joan getting the new century niter jumping from http://www.newcenturysoul.co.uk website
( click on image to play )

Current plays
venturas- heart of love -green light
chi-lites -shes mine - blue rock
mr caldwell -love bandit -scorpio
sharon mcmahan - got to find another guy - karen
george hughley -thats why i cry- buddah
buddy lamp -save your love -wheelsville
Huns revue - dont make me love you - sorro
headlines - looking for love -luau

affordable top tips

brenda and tabs - thats in the past - dionn
major iv - this little girl of mine - venture

upcoming spots
Joans guesting up in Scotland for the 4th Annivesary thats coming up soon and apart from her many usual guest spots around the NW and beyond. Can be caught at her regular residencies along with Eddie Engel, Alex Jones and Sid Jones at places like Dunkinfield next one Fri 28 Jan, ztsc and more

Source Spotlight is hoped to be a regular feature, whilst out and about the team plan to hassle many of the djs who are members on here to pass on plays, tips and news, and if we get the details home safely use them for an informative well written article!
Joan has been a member of soul source for a fair while (used to have different user name) and can get in touch via her profile page

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