Soulful Kinda Music Website
Back up and running in 2016

Following a period of very little activity over the last five years I've finally bought a second PC for the house in Wales. So, now I have access to the net on a regular basis my intention is to move forward with the Soulful Kinda Music site
It's my intention to add at least one new artist discography, or one label listing every single day through 2016. This will mean that I'll end the year with over 2,000 discographies on the site, and keep SKM up there as the premier site for Soul music discographies.
So far, I'm spot on with that target, it's the 16th January, and I've added 16 discographies so far this year.
I've also started to work my way through all the updates that people have sent me over the last year, and 18 pages have had additions or corrections so far this year. The CD / Book / Record reviews page is due to make a comeback as well, and there are plans for quite a few eniterly new features over the course of the year.
Finally, I'd like to say thanks to all the people who have contributed in the past, and ask that if anyone does have something, an artist discography, a label listing, and addition to an existing page, or even a correction, please get in touch.
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