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Soul Talk - Onwards and Upwards for the Top rare soul discussion list

Soul Talk The premier rare soul discussion list has just reached its two year mark. As always never standing still, to mark the occasion has added three new staff to its line up. A right old mix of people who are just "passionate" about the music, and will take the list to even higher grounds. Myself after starting Soul Talk up reckon its time for a bit of change and have hung up moderatering hat, like to thank all those who have supported list, from the early days up to now, when started off its aim was to give "all" soul fans a place where they can enjoy talking about the music they enjoy with none of the baggage that some feel a need to keep spewing up. Think can safely say have achieved that 100% and then some more. If havent given it a go, suggest if pasionate about the music it may be your bag. Just send a subscribe to source-subscribe@topica.com

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