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Well have to say the last couple of weeks concerning soul source have been a bit eventfull.

Thought that push out a few words so if have been wondering just why the sites has been up and down or where the sounds have gone then at least if do happen to stumble on these words will hopefully have a better idea.

First though, just like to pass on thanks to all those who posted both on site and by email/pm/face thoughts concerning my post regarding standing down a week or so ago.

Did make me look at my decision again, and while events afterwards has meant that my plan to step back fell apart from day one, the comments did bring the postive things about site to front.

Of course after, having a good think, some reflection and a bit of decision making, the site itself did its usual thing...

... when ever feel an urge to post an onwards and upwards sort of post sure the site takes it as a challenge to throw something at me and mess things up

It cetainly did it this time, an attack by hackers on server, led to a few days of background work, after the usual chase around was thinking have solved closed and cleaned up things and can get on with things.

Of course once thought this and began to get back to the usual stuff, noticed another hack which was done in such a way, that the only thing to do was completely reload everything and start again.

Cut it short, this then ended up taking more than a week to do, and while not out of the woods completely, the worse bits are sorted and hopefully come monday be ready for the next thing.

Of course these going ons punched a big hole in my "step back" plans.

But on the postive side, rebuild etc should have benefits all round on site both up front and in the background. And as now back in postion where can move on with plans made, then things are now back on track

As said thanks to all who passed on views, words, suggestions etc and many thanks to all the mods who to be honest if it wasnt for them the site would be no where near what it is today

best foot and all that


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