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Soul Source Poster Of The Year 2011

In a post-xmas pre-nye bit of a laugh and do some thinking style am honoured to announce the opening of the...

Soul Source Poster Of The Year Poll 2011

The idea is that all member can nominate one of more members who they feel are suitable for such an accolade

At the end of it all the one with the most nominations will be awarded the title ...Soul Source Poster Of The Year 2011

Reasons for nominations is entirely up to you, I would suggest that they would somehow fit in with the members posts being on par with the sites main thrust/spirit as in "enjoyable and worthwhile" but its your shout

You can if wish nominate two or more current members but can not nominate one current member twice

Need some simple rules just for it to run fairly smooth

open now, closed at 2359hrs uk time 31st Dec

all members can only nominate one current member only once

however can nominate more than one member

all nominations are to be done via the "support feature" and will be treated as "private"

the title will be awarded to the member with the most nominations

the results will be announced once the hangover has worn off enough on New Years Day 2012

how to nominate

goto here


1. in the title box type the members name

2. choose "poster of the year" in the drop down department menu

3.enter members name again in the message box

4,press "submit request"

that's all you need to do... a 5 second affair

if nominating more than one member make sure you do a single nomination for each one

End word

As said just a bit of fun and not to be taken too seriously

I will give a rough state of the polls post to give an idea of the current score close to the end

Am looking forward to see how it goes

Happy New Year!


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In a post-xmas pre-nye bit of a laugh and do some thinking style am honoured to announce the opening of the...

Soul Source Poster Of The Year Poll 2011

The idea is that all member can nominate one of more members who they feel are suitable for such an accolade

At the end of it all the one with the most nominations will be awarded the title ...Soul Source Poster Of The Year 2011

Reasons for nominations is entirely up to you, I would suggest that they would somehow fit in with the members posts being on par with the sites main thrust/spirit...

this is an 500 chrs clip of the article - use link below to view the article in full (images, video etc)

Click here to view the soul article in full

My nominations:

Rich Chorley - persistence in getting a point across and willing to put in the time to research whatever subject he's commenting on.

Jocko - Great knowledge, and his wit just has me in stitches

Steve Guanori - not much he doesn't know soul wise, and he's made the political debates quite interesting.

Quick question, if we think of other people in the mean time, are we allowed to add them to the nominations by answering our own post?

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sort of said nominantions to be done via the "support feature"


if members do wish to post in public via comments then can't see any problems with doing that as long as all aware that there are two methods of nominating...

on your q - no probs

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My nominations:

Rich Chorley - persistence in getting a point across and willing to put in the time to research whatever subject he's commenting on.

Jocko - Great knowledge, and his wit just has me in stitches

Steve Guanori - not much he doesn't know soul wise, and he's made the political debates quite interesting.

Quick question, if we think of other people in the mean time, are we allowed to add them to the nominations by answering our own post?


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you could also have a Soul Source Best Post Of The Year Poll 2011 if you want?


yep, could do

maybe best see how this one goes first

just as a reminder or if you aint read the original article

you can nominate privately if wish

how to nominate

goto here


1. in the title box type the members name

2. choose "poster of the year" in the drop down department menu

3.enter members name again in the message box

4,press "submit request"

that's all you need to do... a 5 second affair

if nominating more than one member make sure you do a single nomination for each one

had 11 nomiations so far

so as always with these sort of things on here... a slowish start

if you aint shook the xmas wah off yet

having a think about the last year on here may get you brain going

so have a think and get yours up

just a 5 second affair


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My nominations:

Rich Chorley - persistence in getting a point across and willing to put in the time to research whatever subject he's commenting on.

Jocko - Great knowledge, and his wit just has me in stitches

Steve Guanori - not much he doesn't know soul wise, and he's made the political debates quite interesting.

Quick question, if we think of other people in the mean time, are we allowed to add them to the nominations by answering our own post?

Just saw Lorraine's name and that's a good call so I'll nominate her also.


Matt Male


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Winnie : for being calm, witty & thoughtful in debates & posts

Rich Chorley : for raging against the machine & making some great points.

Ali H: for all round fun, dedication to soul & neatly putting men in their rightful place!!!!!

Melly xx

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Bob Abrahamian. Huge contribution to the ethos of the site, always more than willing to share info and no ego baggage. Top bloke. :thumbsup:



plus i should also win most obnoxious poster

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Jumping Joan for being the unofficial welcome party in intros ..stirling job and a lovely lady too :yes:

Yes Joan for me too.The Official "Meet and Greeter" of SS. :thumbup:

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Winnie : for being calm, witty & thoughtful in debates & posts

Rich Chorley : for raging against the machine & making some great points.

Ali H: for all round fun, dedication to soul & neatly putting men in their rightful place!!!!!

Melly xx

Couldnt agree more with all three choices..... :D ...Del...xxxxxx

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Rich Chorley, wether you agree with him or not his postings are always great to read,

Bob A, info galore

RobbK, great info too

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Very honorable mentions in dispatches to the following posters....

PETE S for being an absolute inspiration ever since we first started trading posts in the great 'Billy Stewart or Georgie Fame' debate, a number of years ago...

WINNIE for a steadying hand on the ship, always a voice of careful thought and reason...

DAVE MOORE for taking on the difficult and painstaking role of moderating the political forum and not being afraid of launching perspectives he knows may be challenged vigorously....

NUBES/Dell...For being brave and standing up for what is right...the most important human quality...

JIM BARRY for being an absolute gentleman in what he has said in a post in this thread, especially given the ultra passionate nature of the subject we debate!

BEARSY, whose posts I truly appreciate...They combine a humorous modesty and honesty, a balanced sense of ration and a great sense of natural comedy relating in particular to aspects of his own personal past experiences and life in general...

Thanks to everybody who contributes to the threads, some terrific debates this year, all the best for the next one.... :hatsoff2:

My nomination ultimately is for BEARSY...

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