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Soul Source is Hiring... Job Opening

Soul Source is Hiring... Job Opening magazine cover

Soul Source is Hiring...

Well we are looking at a few changes this spring

Over time the way the site gets used changes and evolves and so there will always be a need to reflect these changes in how the site works/delivers/operates.

One aspect that we are looking at improving is how the various main sections of the site (the news feature, the forums, the sales features and the event guide) are run. 

The thinking is to bring in a new way of looking after each of these main Soul Source features by 'hiring'  people who can look after and manage each feature on a regular basis, and also play a main part in taking these features further upwards and onwards  in the future

Are After

At first we are looking for 2 people,  who be up for looking after and managing one of the two main features below...

1. 'Forums' - One person to look after, promote and encourage/moderate the main Soul Source Forums, basically all the forums apart from the sales related ones

2 'Sales Feature' -  One person to look after, promote and manage/moderate  the Soul Source Sales features which include the sales forums, classifieds, feedback feature etc


1. Passionate about soul music - has to be a given 

2.  A way with the words and the tech - eg good communication and decent IT skills

3. Spare Time/Active - be ready willing and available 

4. Interested and enthusiastic about the relevant section/feature - eg Interested in soul trading if sales or if forums enjoy talking about soul etc etc

It will be a semi-pro set up which at first which will mean extremely part time. Hours paid will be limited at first, and will be more spare cash than a salary. However as things move on over time, hours available should improve all things going well.

Drop us a pm @mike @mike for further info/details/talk via or via the contact link at the bottom of the page  - just let us know which of the two position you are interested in and we can then both take things from there



owner - Soul Source



please note the sale position is no longer available 

Edited by mike

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