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Soul Source Charity Give Away

Unfortunately have just remembered that after the raffle in "This Thing of ours" have two outstanding prizes that the winners are unable to use. The plan was to offer them up for auction with proceeds going to the Charity that was supported by "This Thing Of Ours" Well as time is tight, the format is a bit rushed, and not very well thought out, basically all you have to do to bid on these prizes is to use the comments feature on this post First Auction The Rare Soul Violence Event Four Tickets to This Saturdays Drunken Monkey Event A chance to not only get the best quality rare soul on offer anywhere this weekend but also have the warm feeling that you are getting wrecked for a good cause Second Auction Bank Holiday Sunday Ritz Nighter 4 tickets to the North West I was the proud winner of these tickets at the dayer!! Unfortunately can not take advantage of these due to other events, so they are up for grabs. Tried to find details, line up of this event on the web but sorry to say after considerable time spent have failed. As said time is short, all a bit rushed, but its for a worthy cause Please submit email when bidding

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