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Soul Essence Website Updated

Soul Essence Website Updated magazine cover

Soul Essence website has had a going over

Main thrust is next years weekender #29 - April 8th, 9th & 10th - 2011 so there's booking forms and al that

but there's also a look back at the past along with some photos, reviews etc

So I finally got off my lazy backside and updated the site. The dates for Essence 28 are now set, so why not iAdd them to your iPhone using iCal and iSay iSay iSay. Essence 27 was a rip roaring success as usual, good music (very true), good beer (true), fine dining (false) and fine wines (very false). The Gouch managed an awesome lounge over the weekend (check out his top picks here), and I was to be found winding down to the music in there on Saturday afternoon before winding up again for the Saturday night.

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