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SouL Discography Volume Two G-M


It has been some time since I first posted details of Bob McGrath's new publication Soul Discography Volume One. Well I am pleased to say Bob has been in touch and Volume Two is now available. This Volume with 675 fact filled pages covers Artists G through to M.


A sample selection of pages can be viewed in the following PDF document....

SD1 sample pages.pdf

These are an invaluable addition to any collectors book case and sit very nicely and complement the now sold out R&B Indies.

The whole project has been a massive undertaking and has taken years of research but as you would expect there will almost certainly be errors and omissions. Many of the labels have been defunct for decades in some cases and many releases are extremely rare and tracking down some of the information can be next to impossible.

The first two Volumes of Soul Discography can be order at the following link: ORDER VOL 1 & 2 NOW

Details of all the Discographies, Soul, Gospel & Blues can be viewed >>>>HERE<<<<

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