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Showcase Ronald McCoy ( Ex-Topics) - Come Back Boo

Showcase Ronald McCoy ( Ex-Topics) - Come Back Boo magazine cover

Ronald McCoy - Come Back Boo

Keeping things up todate, have had sent in a sample of what Ronald McCoy (Ex-Topics) is up to nowadays.

Track showcased here is called Come Back Boo written by Ronald McCoy and Andrew Hamilton (song writer and article writer with articles  featured in AMG , SKM, Soul Source and elsewhere)

Andrew H asked me to put it up just to see how it goes, Ronnie is looking for a possible deal and the song is open for recording by others. Have similar quality tunes available.

Anyway - have a listen, and am sure a bit of response/reaction  using the comments feature will be well appreciated by Ronald and Andrew who have  been involved in some great sounds.

Agent 22 and Deer Foot Music B.M.I.

Agent 22 Music (B.M.I)

PO Box 604118


OH 44104


fax number: 760-875-7292.



above repaired/updated 2019 - video clip below added


Edited by Mike

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