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Shades issue 31 update

Ooops didnt realise it was 1984 when I kick started the mag off! Bloody hell twenty years.....

Pulled out all the stops last week and mailed off all the mags to subscribers, I recognise many names on here and they were probably wondering where their copy was after Id announced issue 31s birth first week of April. Hopefully they should have dropped through everybodys letterbox last weekend. If anybody wants to check the status of their subscription get back to me off list (D.Pearson@bradford.ac.uk). Beatin Rhythm in Manchester has copies of the mag and Ive mailed some to Jumbo Records in Leeds so they should be selling them soon. Also Dean Johnson @ Expansions and Roger Banks in Nottingham have them so expect to see the mag at venues and on their lists. onwards, derek

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