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Select Sales - Opening Offer - Last Chance

We are now hitting week 4 with the newly launched members feature - Select Sales. Late August saw both the launch of this feature and with it the special opening offer of a flat fee of £1 for every soul 45 listing.
Its good to be able to say that the launch has gone fairly well. But as we are now coming up to the end of the first month then it make sense to have a look at every aspect of this feature. As part of this landmark the one off special opening offer will be ending come Monday 19th Sept.

So if you are one of thosee types who like to get max bang for your bucks record trading wise then you may well want to take advantage of this opening offer while you can!

You can view the latest auctions on offer here (some ending today) and easily add your own sales via the "auctions" link in the top menu or the link below


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