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Sad Times

In the past couple of years I have stayed out of the politics, At times over these years it has been very very difficult.Today I have had enough. Everyone should make up their own minds about who the perpetrator (s) may be. But I was going to head over to the Rocket as well as coming to Crossfire. Now if anyone visits the Rocket, IN MY OPINION, you are supporting the kind of parasite this scene does not need. You dont need to go to the Rocket to have a good time this saturday. The Rocket promotors dont need your entry fee. The Rocket promoters do need their egos massaged by a high turn out. All beit with hundreds of freebies handed to non soul people, just to add to the "atmosphere" of hundreds of people stood at the side gawping, or pratting about on the dancefloor with a bottle of beer in their hands. I will be down at crossfire on Saturday night. I hope to see most of you there too. miky

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