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Sad News Richard Popcorn Wylie RIP

Sad News Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie RIP

Sad news passed on via the forum by Rob Moss

Just received a call from Mike Terry announcing that the immortal Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie passed away today. I'm sure everyone will share the sadness of his passing. He was one of the 'special' talents of the 60s Detroit soul era as writer, producer and artist and will be sorely missed.


Very sad news


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Such terribly sad news. I can't lay claim to ever having been in his company, although he has touched my heart with his gift for nigh on 30 years now.

Of all the mediums through which an artiste can reach out to his/her audience, music is the most powerful, most potent and, to the listener, the most personal on so many levels. "Popcorn" was blessed with a talent that made the most of that and leaves this world having granted us a priceless legacy.

Soul music is the canvas upon which my life has been painted for 30 years, and Mr Richard Popcorn Wylie has his name proudly scribed in the corner.

Rest In Peace - A brother to us in all but name.

Neil Jones.

foolish fool


Sad Sad loss, One of the most genuine people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. his massive massive talents were even overshadowed by his warmth and hospitality.

love you popcorn. R.i.P.


Stuart Bower


Sad News Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie passed away today

This guy had everything

Just loved

How did i lose you

I take the world on with you & others

What a voice. He will be sadly missed.

Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie RIP

mal ktf

Performer, Song Writer, Producer,

This guy did it all.

Without him this scene wouldn`t be half of what it is today.

Genius. R.I.P.

Guest sjay


Terrible news indeed , an extraordinarily talented man,musician ,writer ,singer he did it all ,and not just in the 60s his ABC album E.S.P. has to be one of the greatest 70s soul albums ever and he really seemed to have a huge influence on the sound of so much of that lables output at the time,R.I.P. lost but never to be forgotten .



Message on behalf of Steve Whittle.

His music speaks for itself, I knew the man personally, and its been my privilege to regard him as a friend, for the last 25 years.

I have spoken to his daughter Patrice and offered my condolances on behalf of everyone involved in Soul music in the UK.

The family appreciate the high regard he was held in, in the UK, and its a comfort to them knowing that everyone is thinking about him at this time.

The funeral is Monday 15 Sept in Detroil 11am local time

Steve Whittle.



Message on behalf of Steve Whittle.

His music speaks for itself, I knew the man personally, and its been my privilege to regard him as a friend, for the last 25 years.

I have spoken to his daughter Patrice and offered my condolances on behalf of everyone involved in Soul music in the UK.

The family appreciate the high regard he was held in, in the UK, and its a comfort to them knowing that everyone is thinking about him at this time.

The funeral is Monday 15 Sept in Detroil 11am local time

Steve Whittle.

Dave Thorley


Message on behalf of Steve Whittle.

His music speaks for itself, I knew the man personally, and its been my privilege to regard him as a friend, for the last 25 years.

I have spoken to his daughter Patrice and offered my condolances on behalf of everyone involved in Soul music in the UK.

The family appreciate the high regard he was held in, in the UK, and its a comfort to them knowing that everyone is thinking about him at this time.

The funeral is Monday 15 Sept in Detroil 11am local time

Steve Whittle.

Like Steve I have spoken to the family, they are happy for me to give out his address if anyone would like to send a card etc. They are very touched by the response from the U.K. and have been recieving calls all day. They would like to thank everyone for the love they have shown.

The Wylie Family

18493 Sorrento







Will do you another copy Chalky no probs if you can't find it.

Without doubt one of the best show's I have ever seen.

Just great the way he talks about every record, when he recorded it, who he wrote it for etc.

Also talks about Tony Hester, says how much he misses him.

Just fab!

Thanks Joan will have a butchers tomorrow.

Here's the flyer from that trip.......will see if I can find the ad from echoes.




Already been said but I'll say it again. A legend.


Hitsville Chalky


Reading these post marks out several things. One, what an important figure he was to the UK soul scene over so many years. Secondly, that he was such a nice guy, personnally know to many and that he touched so many people as a person. Lastly, how the world has shrunk, in many ways our scene and the people that made the music have become one. News, good or bad travels around the world in a matter of hours.

He loved the UK soul scene, would always ask about many people in the UK and tell me to send on his reguards to them, every time we spoke. In reverse I would often be asked by people here to take something over for him or get a record signed. Last time I traveled there, Gilly asked if I would take over a bottle of his favorite hooch for him, this just made Richard's week. We spoke about the UK, he knew then he would never be well enough to return, but still longed to be back here to see old friends and entertain the people that kept his music alive. His happy smiling face was always a joy to see and his hospitality fantastic, "have a look in that cupboard dave, I think there maybe some records there", "Go have a look in the basement and see what you can find". There are so many stories to tell about this man, but here is just one he told me.

When John Anderson, first went round his house and pulled out a bunch of records, richard said "How much are you going to give me for them". When John told him that he would give him $$$$, richard said "Your kidding, right. I've been giving them to my kids so they can play frisbee out in the streets with them"

So although many have written about the joy he gave to them here, for this man at least the thanks was returned. Keep on putting up your comments and thoughts and I will let the family see them.

Yes Dave agree , such a great Bloke like you fond Memories especially when he asked me to push him in his wheel chair to his back room to his beloved piano where he started playing ..... Cool off

then i said Mighty Lover he looked at Laughed .

Hitsville Chalky


very sad news about richard, went over to see him in detroit back in 96,he was ill then but the family made us very welcome,he sold us some records and made sure me, our robert and chris king had plenty to eat and took us up to clay mcmurrays studio on livernou with ivy joe hunter . i can only send my deepest smpathys to his wife and children , a true legend , a true gent and a wonderful host to anyone who met him on there travels , im sure he will be sadly missed by many rest in peace richard kev thomas

Sadly he lost his wife Gloria a few years ago , always when i was there Betty Winston from The Adorables used to bring his Dinner around but agree a true Gentleman and Legend , I used to call Him Mr Detroit because he was ! I know he had a fall out at Motown in the early days but he was so proud of his presentation of a gold Madelon what Motown presented to him always showing it off . Once again Rest in Peace MR DETROIT.

Mark Bicknell


It's taken me a few days to post anything on this very sad thread as I feel like I've lost a best friend, like Dave, Neil, Gilly, Steve Whittle and others I knew and loved the man, lost contact in recent years but he will always be in my heart, remember a record trip to the States back in 1990 with my good friend Kevin Cox we stopped off to see Popcorn one afternoon and I was amazed and very honoured to see that he had many photographs on the walls of his living room of various people connected with the UK soul scene including one of I think Gilly, Steve Whittle, Popcorn and myself, Kevin took a couple of photos of myself and Popcorn which are now in a montage type framed picture above my turntable at home, he was a gentle soul, kind and very humble, his contribution to this music of ours is huge, few can even come close, like others I had the pleasure of seeing him perform several times in Dunstable, Mancheter, Great Yarmouth and more importantly I had the pleasure of his company, friendship, tenderness, smile and huge talent, there is a very big hole in the soul world now, as a small way of saying thank to you Richard I'm putting a two hour show together on Starpoint dedicted to the life and work of our friend which will broadcast on Sunday 21st September, I really want to get this right and do him justice so any ideas for tracks etc. please contact bicknellmark@aol.com, already have a big list of records but all and any help or suggestions will be most helpful.....good night Richard sleep well.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Pete S


This is very, very sad news indeed.

My deepest sympathy to his wife & family.

Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie was really an iconic figure.

As an impressionable fifteen year old I considered it

a sacred duty to memorise the record titles, labels, production/writing

credits of his wonderful creations.

& who among us can really say they're weren't absolutely floored the first time they heard Tommy Neal or Jimmy Soul Clark,

and that's just two titles.

I think a Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie Anthology is a marvellous idea.

Could it be done Ady & Paul?

Que descanses en paz Richard, te queremos mucho...


There's two or three already out there mate - Goldmine put out one particularly brilliant selection

Dave Thorley


There's two or three already out there mate - Goldmine put out one particularly brilliant selection

Also the rights to his stuff is spread around over a fair few companies and pulling it all together, sadly isn't that easy. Richard held the rights to most of his own lables, but some where sold last year. His ABC stuff is held by MCA, a far bit is help by Ollie McLauglin publishing and then you have all the shared credits, like Ric-Tic etc which is all over the place.




R.I.P. great man.

As has already been said lots of times, a total genius, who laid down very deep foundations for many of us.

Guest mrs norman maine


Here's the flyer from that trip.......will see if I can find the ad from echoes.


This is such sad news.This poster really brings back memories. I was at the Dunstable show, it was a great night and I've still got the flyer at home somewhere. I spoke to someone who's now one of my best friends for the first time that night. Just think of all the people Richard's music brought together who might never have met otherwise....

So- very sad news, but hopefully the music and the memories he's left us all can be of some comfort to his loved ones.

Thank you very much Mr. Wylie and RIP. One of the good guys and a fantastic artist, in every sense of the word.

Wendy x



Sad news. I'm so glad he got to know how much his contribution to Black music was appreciated.

I can still hear "Rosemary" playing from a someone's tinny cassette on Wigan staion the morning after the niter. God bless & thank you


Soul Shrews


Like Steve I have spoken to the family, they are happy for me to give out his address if anyone would like to send a card etc. They are very touched by the response from the U.K. and have been recieving calls all day. They would like to thank everyone for the love they have shown.

The Wylie Family

18493 Sorrento





Hope some "soul sourcer " will print out this thread and send it to the Wylie family as a small tribute from worldwide soul fans.

A true legend has been lost, someone who had an enormous influence on the "Motor City'" music history and so also the UK "Northern Soul Scene"

RIP Brother Richard and thank you for your musical legacy

Paul Woosnam



Just received a call from Mike Terry announcing that the immortal Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie passed away today. I'm sure everyone will share the sadness of his passing. He was one of the 'special' talents of the 60s Detroit soul era as writer, producer and artist and will be sorely missed. R.I.P.

Another one gone

what a loss to the soul world

Mick Howard


Yes, well it's all been said in the previous posts but blimey what truly sad news so I'll still have my penneth worth...

I first got to recognise the names Wylie and Hestor in about 77 and from then anything with their names on caught my interest - they were truly the voice of Detroit Soul & I was as happy as larry to meet Richard in the mid 80's at Warrington but as usual when I meet my heroes I was lost for words and didn't know what to say. Nevertheless he was very gentlemanly, shook my hand and obliged me with his autograph which now takes pride of place in a frame on the wall.

I'm not a Christian so I won't mention the 'G' word but by heck he's certainly left his mark on this Earth - his contribution is a piece of History which I'm positive will live on throughout Human history....


P.S. Mark - how about doing your show in chronological order so that people who aren't very familiar with his music can see the sheer diversity and to see how completely adaptable he was to the changing times.

Dave Thorley


Hope some "soul sourcer " will print out this thread and send it to the Wylie family as a small tribute from worldwide soul fans.

A true legend has been lost, someone who had an enormous influence on the "Motor City'" music history and so also the UK "Northern Soul Scene"

RIP Brother Richard and thank you for your musical legacy

Paul Woosnam

I gave the link address to his daughter yesterday, so they could have a look.


Soul Shrews


Thanks Dave and as they say over here "condoleren en veel sterkte"

Cheers Paul (+Mandy)

Guest Craig the Manc


I remember seeing the great man at both Manchester and Stafford in the early eighties and he blew me away with his renditions of all the major hits he produced throughout the years.

He will live long in my memories.

R.I.P Popcorn.



Guest thenogger


" POPCORN ", You will alway's be in my thoughts, and you wil be sadly missed by all of us that had the pleasure in meeting you. A Great Man " R.I.P."



Lee Bates


Richard Popcorn Wylie is a legend and icon to all of us lovers of music. His passing is a very sad event and like so many before me I send my sincere condolences to his family for their painful loss.

I truly believe that we are lucky bunch of people. We are very very priviledged. We have all experienced and love his musical works and that love will last a lifetime. So despite his passing, Mr Wylie will live on through us and thats a wonderful thing. RIP Popcorn

Jim Elliott


Picking up the detroit a go go album on a school trip to Swanage in '86 was my introduction to the man, awesome music to say the least.

'Singing about you and me' has been a regular home play and mood lifter for me for many a year, wonderful uplifting sound.

Rest in peace Popcorn and thank you.


Guest east rob


There aren't many who wear the mantle of 'legend' with true distinction. Van McCoy, Curtis Mayfield and Fred Smith come to mind. Now to be joined by Mr Wylie. Motown's loss was our gain and, as usual on these occasions I will celebrate his work and enjoy the musical legacy he left us, which, to my mind, ranks with up there with the his three illustrious peers. A true icon of Detroit soul. A safe journey Mr Wylie... and congratulations Sir, on a job extremely well done.

ditto :D

Guest mel brat


What a terrible shame. I grew up on 'Washed Ashore', 'With This Ring', 'Going To A Happening', 'Ain't Love Good, Ain't Love Proud' and 'I Spy For The FBI' and that was before Northern Soul had even been invented! His first Northern "discoveries" probably fueled the movement for its first formative years and they just kept coming; all the way through to Margaret Little. An incredible talent and a wonderful person. This is a colossal loss.

My sentiments absolutely. Yet another of the genuine all-time talents passes too soon. A genuine legend and all round good guy. It's hard to imagine a Northern Soul scene at all without the magnificent contribution of Richard Popcorn Wylie. His legacy will live on in his music and in our hearts. RIP.




My sentiments absolutely. Yet another of the genuine all-time talents passes too soon. A genuine legend and all round good guy. It's hard to imagine a Northern Soul scene at all without the magnificent contribution of Richard Popcorn Wylie. His legacy will live on in his music and in our hearts. RIP.



here here



I was lucky enough to meet and chat with him when he came over in the 80's, absolutely fantastic guy who would make time for anyone

Sadly another one of my heros passes but his music will remain with me always



Hopefully in time the family can look back on this thread and seeing the esteem the great man was held in this country and europe it will in some small way help to ease their loss.

R.I.P. Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie


Ian McDonald



I was talking to Gilly last night and he is gutted, devastated about this. I've known Gilly for as long as I've been on the scene, he probably knew Popcorn better than anyone else from the scene. He's told us so many stories about his time in Detroit with Popcorn, he was still telling some I'd not heard the other week when I picked him up to go to Lifeline. Just hope that one day he'll write them all down so everyone can read them.

He can't post on here but he asked me to post on his behalf.

Gilly says....

Popcorn was the warmest kindest man you could ever wish to meet. He was like a father, brother and best friend to me. Spent so much time with him and shared some of the best times in his life with him, so many stories. I adored him and will miss him for the rest of my life.

Special thanks to Pat Lewis for all the help she's given to Popcorn and others. Pat is another unsung hero that doesn't get the recognition she deserves, not just through her music but also what she does in life.



Still can't believe it.

Have been listening to him live at Manchester International all morning. Without doubt one of my favourite tape/cd's ever.

I have been wondering whether to send a copy over to his family.

What do you think guys?

I never know what to do for the best at times like these.


Guest davew


Very sad news indeed...an exceptional talent and a truly remarkable man.

RIP Richard

Guest casinoboy


Just received a call from Mike Terry announcing that the immortal Richard 'Popcorn' Wylie passed away today. I'm sure everyone will share the sadness of his passing. He was one of the 'special' talents of the 60s Detroit soul era as writer, producer and artist and will be sorely missed. R.I.P.

Oh no! Another of our heros is gone. I will never forget him at the Top of The World All-nighter in Stafford. He made us see where the genius that we call Northtern Soul was born, where it came from. My thoughts and my gratitude go out to his remaining family for his wonderful life, and to my friend Steve Whittle, who had such a fantastic fiendship with the man.

God bless you `Popcorn` Casinoboy

Guest casinoboy


There's two or three already out there mate - Goldmine put out one particularly brilliant selection

That`s nice Pete, good on you

Dave Shaw

Guest casinoboy


Message on behalf of Steve Whittle.

His music speaks for itself, I knew the man personally, and its been my privilege to regard him as a friend, for the last 25 years.

I have spoken to his daughter Patrice and offered my condolances on behalf of everyone involved in Soul music in the UK.

The family appreciate the high regard he was held in, in the UK, and its a comfort to them knowing that everyone is thinking about him at this time.

The funeral is Monday 15 Sept in Detroil 11am local time

Steve Whittle.

Please pass on to Steve Whittle,

Lovely piece mate, are you ok? I know how much you loved the guy, and I feel for your loss my friend. Gimme a call some time ok? God bless you Steve.

Dave Shaw

Guest casinoboy


It's taken me a few days to post anything on this very sad thread as I feel like I've lost a best friend, like Dave, Neil, Gilly, Steve Whittle and others I knew and loved the man, lost contact in recent years but he will always be in my heart, remember a record trip to the States back in 1990 with my good friend Kevin Cox we stopped off to see Popcorn one afternoon and I was amazed and very honoured to see that he had many photographs on the walls of his living room of various people connected with the UK soul scene including one of I think Gilly, Steve Whittle, Popcorn and myself, Kevin took a couple of photos of myself and Popcorn which are now in a montage type framed picture above my turntable at home, he was a gentle soul, kind and very humble, his contribution to this music of ours is huge, few can even come close, like others I had the pleasure of seeing him perform several times in Dunstable, Mancheter, Great Yarmouth and more importantly I had the pleasure of his company, friendship, tenderness, smile and huge talent, there is a very big hole in the soul world now, as a small way of saying thank to you Richard I'm putting a two hour show together on Starpoint dedicted to the life and work of our friend which will broadcast on Sunday 21st September, I really want to get this right and do him justice so any ideas for tracks etc. please contact bicknellmark@aol.com, already have a big list of records but all and any help or suggestions will be most helpful.....good night Richard sleep well.

Regards - Mark Bicknell.

Beautiful. That`s the sort of thread that makes us better than the rest.

Dave Shaw

Guest DeeJay


Wow -speechless what a sad piece of news, i hadn't had the pleasure of meeting him, but by the sound of things he was a "good" person. I wonder if he left any close family? On the brighter side, at least he got to find out and appreciate the northern scene and realized there were people out there that truly appreciated his talent. :lol:


Mark Oliver



Like you can remember meeting Richard on stage at Dunstable in th 80's and still have the tape of him live at "The International" in Manchester 17th June 1988.

It was a great pleasure to meet such a true gentleman as well as such a highly respected musician and producer.

Our thoughts are with all who knew him and loved him.


Guest mickeyb


I was pleased to see an obituary of Richard in the Times today. I hope this acknowledgement from a British institution of his importance to so many people will give a little bit of comfort to his family and friends.

Northern Soul Uk


Again as all have already said, he will be sadly missed. He was resposible for many of the records that we have taken for granted over the many years that we have lived and breathed Northern Soul. A true musical genius. Our condolences go out to all of his friends and family.

May he rest in peace.



what sad news this is, what a legend departing this world, will be missed by many, did a lot for our scene



very sad day for all that loved his music...



a real Giant of a man

so sad a great loss



A sad loss nevertheless but this was from 4 years ago.



Sorry to hear that. He was one of my favourites. His music will keep his memory alive for generations after this.



just so aware, have merged the two threads into one



Our thoughts & prayers are with Popcorns family and close friends

A legend who brought happiness into many people's life thro his musically genius

Always loved never forgotten

Ian Cunliffe & Jane Hamilton

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