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Sad News Desmond Decker RIP

Sad news was posted in the forum regarding Desmond Dekker

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desmond dekker RIP plus sound clips

Reggae legend Desmond Dekker has died suddenly from a heart attack, his manager has announced. The 64-year-old Jamaican, best known for his 1969 hit Israelites, collapsed at his Surrey home.

Manager Delroy Williams said the performer had seemed fine when they met a day earlier.

"It is such a shock. I don't think I will ever get over this," he said, adding that Dekker led the way for reggae stars such as Bob Marley.

"Desmond was the first legend, believe it or not. When he released Israelites nobody had heard of Bob Marley - he paved the way for all of them."

The star was divorced with a son and daughter.

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