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Reply on behalf of Kev Roberts +site comment

[originally posted on Forum by Becky] Having read some of the recent rumours posted up on the internet lists, I was prompted to reply since the so called facts (of a scenario which doesn't involve KRL) has captured the over active imagination of the rumour mongers and is quite probably libellous. If the reports are to be believed, a recording was made at an event by a person incorrectly named as a being "involved" with KRL. Let me put the record straight. I am replying to hopefully clear up any confusion regarding the allegations toward Kev Roberts and his KRL business. I have spoken to him at length; he is not in the office today and due to his schedule I am replying on his behalf. Becky Hall On behalf of The KRL Group KRL promoted an event at the Rocket for two all-nighters only, many months prior to the Modstock event. Ian Levine was employed by KRL as a DJ at that event. He was not a partner in that or any other KRL promotion, and nor was Gavin Stearn. Gavin Stearn is not involved with KRL in any business sense and he is not confirmed as a DJ at the forthcoming Fleetwood weekender. Kev Roberts was unaware until recent messages appeared on the soul forums that these tracks had been obtained in such a manner. Sound files of several tracks were sent, unsolicited, to Kev and to many other people on the soul scene via an email. He didn't ask for the sound clips, he didn't want the sound clips. He wasn't even aware of the source of the email containing the tracks (the email anme was numerical) which was subsequently being spread far and wide amongst internet users, and was in the files of an internet chat group for quite a while until the list owner removed it from the audio clips available to download. The KRL group is not interested in these type of recordings however they are obtained; and far more importantly Mark (Butch) Dobson has been a much respected friend of Kevs for more than twenty years. Kev has no knowledge of who is publicly playing these tracks from any format. He certainly doesn't own any acetates of these recordings and they have never been played on his radio show, apart from anything else the sound quality would not be up to a required standard. To our knowledge, no one has bootlegged these particular tracks and KRL absolutely refute any allegation of involvement and can assure any interested party that the wholsale/retail division of the company will be in no way actively pursuing the said tracks. We simply aren't interested in them.

site reply : Site published a story that is believed to be worthy of attention KRL involvement with this matter No mention of KRL being involved in this affair has been made on this site, there is an obvious connection as has been stated. And as such can understand your embarrassment with this connection and your efforts in distancing yourself from the underhand actions of such people. Do have to say that your efforts do fail to convince and to read statements such as " not confirmed" and "any business sense" does smack of playing with words. Unfortunately as Levine himself claimed to be a co-promoter of that event you mentioned and Stern is billed on your website as a dj at the forthcoming weekender, it has to be said it does make the validity of your reply questionable. Kev Roberts himself has been reported as passing on cdrs of at least one of the tracks involved to other northern soul djs which does to myself make the rest of your reply a bit shallow and to be blunt distastefull. Thanks for your reply www.soul-source.co.uk

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