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Refosoul Revamp - A Quick Intro

Refosoul Revamp - A Quick Intro magazine cover

Here's the first step of the return of Refosoul

As now open and running, I though best just push out a few words...

Aim has always been from day one is to provide a reference for soul, this time around this has been the main focus along with a wiki style approach to the content

The thinking is that each track can be used to provide a one stop place for members to read, post and share all the relevant related info

It is the first runnings so things have been kept to the basics, there are improvements ongoing/planned but it make sense to check that the basics are all solid first

Basic intro

Two pages make up this feature

1.Index Listing

All tracks can be accessed from the main index

Can sort via artist, titles etc plus various filters and alphabetical listings avaialble

Also live artist, title, label search - just type 3 characters for results

Links on each track row take you to the actual track page, or off to related artist,label listings etc

2. Track pages

Basically the place for all the specific track related info , images, comments, price guides, reference links, mps purchase/preview, etc etc

Setup in a Wiki style so all members can contribute by adding or editing the info on each track - just use the marked wiki links

1. Main image

2, Main info - as said can be added to wiki style

3. Various track info - depends on what has been entered

4. Price guide feature - all member can add their value/price rating in less than 5 seconds - just hit buttom, enter and hit button again

5. Comments - dynamic comment system plus comments are posted automatically in the forum version

6. Mp3 previews and links to puchase

7. Rated Youtube related clips green for strong, blue and grey for possible/weak - testing sees good results for green but crap for blue and grey

(see below for more audio info)

8. Members can also add verifed youtube clips on each page

9. Extra images Section- add extra issues, boots etc

10 Ebay auction both upcoming and recent results for the artist, track and label

11 Cd and vinyl results from amazon - reference for cd availabilty

12 Direct links to search popsike, c frenzy , gemm and music stack (bmi as well but you need to visit twice)

Quick word on some of the various points

Wiki Style editing

Set up so all members can add/edit to the track details

be it background info, label details or even spelling mistakes, all ask is that use common sense and treat with respect

Price Guide

A feature where all can add to and hopefully can build up to a decent, free real world feature


This version audio wise currently just contains rated youtube related links and amazon preview clips

Approx 60% of 35k+ tracks have a strong rated youtube link (green) the rest (blue and grey) are fairly weak and have left just in case for now

A third of clips show a mp3/amazon reference clip

Plans are in the near future to expand the audio side in a legal manner


The content is all from members posts thru the years, and there is still ongoing work to rectify omissions and errors

Member can help by using the wiki style editing

Adding new track info

This will be switched on once things have been proven and tested


Should be ok in modern browsers ie9/10 ff, safari etc

ipad seems to work well

ie8 may have problems

Further testing etc hopefully will improve

Mobile version

not ready, hopefully will get sorted soon

if possible use the full skin

That's about it, as said a few changes to the focus and such and with the wiki type setup and stuff such as the price guide elements it could be a useful member led feature

link to the index page below

as they say, enjoy



Members Comments

Recommended Comments



:thumbup: Wow, thanks Mike!

Off to have a look now.

:hatsoff2: - Kev

Reg Scott


Had a quick look while you were uploading content and it looks good, but more importantly looks really useful and promising as a resource..

Off to change the label for Sufferin Wrath from Canton to Canyon - wiki power !!

Greg. :thumbsup:

Pete S


Well done Mike, sounds like it's going to be brilliant.



Great stuff Mike :yes:



Cool beans :thumbsup:

Citizen P


Made my day..


Premium Stuff


Brilliant news Mike - a huge thanks for all your hard work





Excellwnt news Mike ,thanks



Fantastic news



No wonder its been a long time away...thanks Mike,a lot of hard work gone into this. :thumbsup:

arnie j


great stuff mike,top man


Steve Edgar


great news Mike, your ongoing work with all this is very much appreciated. :hatsoff2:




thanks for the words :thumbsup:

a fairly smooth day one

not many issues at all really from this end which is most welcome

going to spend a few days of tweaking and just ensuring backend stuff working ok

then will move onto the next step which will be further improvements/features

will start up a log type topic in feedback forum, so can keep up with changes/improvementts/tweaks as they occur



Simon T


Would you be able to upload something to YouTube and then inform you to get it included in RS?

I loaded scans to Mel Britt earlier out of curiosity and it worked fine.



  On 06/12/2012 at 22:49, simon t said:

Would you be able to upload something to YouTube and then inform you to get it included in RS?

I loaded scans to Mel Britt earlier out of curiosity and it worked fine.

the add tracks feature be switched on shortly , basically once everything seems proven and solid

you will be able to choose when posting either add third party clips as a verified clip or can just enter the track info and leave the system to pick up the track

basically when adding you will get the same form as you saw when adding the scans :thumbsup:

Guest Alexus


Not a collecter, but have missed this facility beyond belief, to browse an listen to underplayed tunes you don`t here at the venues !

A massive thanks for all your efforts, which must be the ultimate site for fans of Black American Soul Music ??



a quick drive by word
thanks again for all the words above

its been really great to see that a couple of hundred plus wiki style track info updates been carried out by members to the library already

to try and keep all those using and contributing in the picture have started a log style update for all stuff occuring on the features and tech side

can be read here

latest main improvements/news
members can post third party hosted direct audio/video links info to the track

plus now open for all mint members to add new tracks to the library

the link above has more info and ask please read and also use that for q's etc

thanks again


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