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Record Digging Stories.. Book..

Been working steadily - well very steadily on the book i mentioned some years ago on here on the fascinating and colourful record hunting addiction.Time is always a problem factor but certainly making headway now,largely due to the fact that the lovely Nicola Anderson kicked me up the backside and saved the day by getting me and the book organised ! so Nicola is now my partner in getting this project running like a well oiled eerr...machine !


A brief recap to some who may not have seen my initial post ,the book is going to be accounts from the front line by many of the top record finders,collectors,dj's and vinyl addicts (Nicola will post some of the names we got on board shortly )but it ranges from the old days of crawling through dirt,muck and filth ,trawling through hundreds of thousands of 45's to the up to date artist,producer findinding modern day vinyl crate diggers from the states.Primarily the stories were going to be focused on the states but, some interesting uk stories are more than worthy of inclusion.So if anyone out there can tell a story that no one else can ( factual of course) then shout up and let us know - storie(s) can be as long or short as you like ! It is quite a task to remember certain things from 10,20,30 years ago but very rewarding and sometimes sad going back in time to places ,situations and in some cases faded memories of characters no longer with us.To note this project is also really a labour of love ,if it does make any money ,it will all go to a charity(s) all contributers to date have done so for the love of it,although if any expenses are incurred we have no problem covering those.

Will keep you all up to speed and leave it with Nicola to list some of the names already on board.


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Bloody heck mate ,i'd been told it was his right man - boob ! I really must research more thoroughly ... can you be the official proof reader .....

Maybe he had one under each.......that could certainly answer a few questions of late... :wicked::D



How can you come up with that assumption when you have no idea what my reserve was ??

Eh? Your reserve was obviously higher than the figure Mr Manship achieved. can't remember, but wasn't it four grand or something... Think the point was probably the highest price you'd get would be John's auction price. If you want to keep it, that's your call obviously. An impressive find...

Just clicked the link to the digging stories on the SoulStrut board... Few hours of amazing reading, much not soul related, but same buzz nonetheless.

Guest turntableterra


the best "find "story i heard was from andy rix, he being a true gent and allowing me to hold all the shrine stuff in my arms, and one sunny day at cleethorpes telling me about the day the cairo`s (i think it was the cairos)arrived at his house in an envelope! obviously in pieces and wondering why, oh why...... we can get a man on the moon, but why oh why,...... also when the groups mum said to him on the phone "walk right on in its called" are you sure you want me to turn it over and read out the other side, this phone call must be costing a fortune maaan, any way its called " i wont be comming back " the rest is history as they say

Chris Anderton


Manship gets the best prices for the rarest records that's for sure...looks like you will be keeping that beauty in your collection for life.

Anyway, must get to work on my stories....

I think the number of people reading this thread proves there is a demand for such a book!


Steve G


Maybe he had one under each.......that could certainly answer a few questions of late... :wicked::D

I heard he is about to 'auction' his "carver" copy :lol:



I heard he is about to 'auction' his "carver" copy :lol:

I can't remember how much John got for the infamous Frank Wilson so was this recent sale of Mellosouls the most a soul record has ever sold for ?

is that figure known by people or was it a private sale.

Steve G


Rumoured to be £10k but ask Mick or Honkers next time you run into them..... :yes:

The carver has a reserve price on it of £500.....



Thanks Nicola, yes it has been taking a little longer than one would have liked - but many reasons for that ... it certainly is happening - categorically , The cut off date is gonna 100 % be september this year - if it isn't in by then it won't make it ! I dare say there potentially is enough for two volumes of the original planned format and size but gonna re shape and size the whole thing to get every sentence included.I'll try collate a few sample paragrphs over the next few weeks,some reeal corking throwback stuff even from my early trips including a night out and dinner with some of Nicky Scarfo's lads ( who were genuinly into collecting music) in Philly .Will keep it all up to speed from now on.


I just wanted to bring this thread back up as it is important that people get to see it as since my last post I have had a couple of stories in and have been promised several more.

As Andy has stated we are all guns ahead and our final deadline will be September 2012. Obvoiusly if anyone would like to contribute the sooner they can get it to us the better and if they have any supporting info ie memorabilia, photos etc they would also be welcome..

All the stoires have we have received so far have been fantastic. Some have been short and some have covered several pages but all have been quality and a great insight into what people have experienced just to find, or not in some cases these 45's we all love.

Once again if you wish you contribute my email is nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com or pm me through here. Andy can also be contacted through here on Dysonsoul.



Hi Andy i have still got a copy of your 1st ever record list hand written must be 25 to 30 years old its class. collecting addictive no no no neveeeeer how many times have i had enuff sold up n started again? yours waggy



Hi Andy i have still got a copy of your 1st ever record list hand written must be 25 to 30 years old its class. collecting addictive no no no neveeeeer how many times have i had enuff sold up n started again? yours waggy

Now then Waggy nice to see you're back in the fold ! Gosh you'll have to show me that list when i see you next - might bring back some memories and regrets ..



Just thought that I would bring this thread back up into view and give a little reminder..

Things on the book are starting to come together and although we haven't set a deffinate deadline at the moment, I am sure that it will have to be fairly soon so that we can get all the additional work that is required sorted out. Therefore if you have a story to contribute please get in touch with either Andy or myself (details are on this thread) as it would be a shame if at a later date you realise that your story/experience would have been great to share but you didn't get in touch, you may kick yourself and neither of us wants that.



Guest Soul galore brum


I've got a few stories regarding finding records.

If you're interested get in touch.

Soul galore BrumBowers.



I've got a few stories regarding finding records.

If you're interested get in touch.

Soul galore BrumBowers.

Thank you for your post, I have sent you a message.




I've got a few stories regarding finding records.

If you're interested get in touch.

Soul galore BrumBowers.

like the time you took me to oldies unlimiead in telford then gave me a lift home, it was early jan and there was a massive storm, in a small country lane there was a power cable down and it was firing sparks and whipping back and foreward across the road, i said steve dont pass there, seriously dont... you reved and me and jan were shouting noooooo and you drove through :ohmy: ive never forgotten that and how we survived ill never know, steveil kenivil :lol:

Guest Soul galore brum


Is that the old light blue transit van . We're you with me and Jan when we overtook the police car in Shenstone, and escaped to tell the tale.

Jan says she still hates Lou Pride.

Guest Jim G


any news on the book?? Would love to read all the stories!



any news on the book?? Would love to read all the stories!


Hi, the book is still a work in progress and unfotunately it's taking us longer than we first thought due to our work and family commitments. Andy and I are due to have a meeting regarding updates etc. after that we will be able to give everyone a better update.


Please bear with us.





was this book ever released ?



was this book ever released ?

It's all gone quiet, never heard it mentioned for along time!


I really hope it will have a proper release, tons of stories to be heard...



I really hope it will have a proper release, tons of stories to be heard...


It will be released. One of Andy's mates has been laying it out.  Martin Koppell was recently interviewed and Andy was recently transcribing it as it was all on video but as he types with one finger it might take a while :lol:   Last I heard summer time this year.

Tony Smith


I will be released. One of Andy's mates has been laying it out.  Martin Koppell recently interviewed and Andy was recently transcribing it as it was all on video.  Last I heard summer time this year.

Sounds good to me!



That's good news indeed ! thanks for the tip Chalky,



Went over to the US in June  72. Digging for vinyl  with the late Niel Mason from bury we were probably the first to go digging in   Fred kapplans record cellar. And also various other places  inc a massive warehouse in  Buffalo  Ny. With millions of. 45 s.  to wade through.  Remember finding. Nolan Chance. On constellation. Also Baby Reconsider  on Fat Fish. 10 copies of  Eddie Parker. love you baby. On Ashford to mention  few.         Also dealt with Ray Avery  Glendale California         Happy days.                                                                                                                      Back to the Uk.  In the. 70s. Also got 8 copies of invitations. What's wrong  with me baby on stateside.    mlnt.        2 shillings. Each.  Accrington. Co op. 



Any (good) news about the book ? 



On 3/29/2016 at 23:38, nicoocho said:

Any (good) news about the book ? 

 Yeh all things are ticking over, it will certainly be out this year. Because we are not writers , authors etc .. it is all a learning curve !  All the contributions have been kindly done by people with passion for free, also all the proof reading ,editing + the million and one other jobs in connection with this kind of project are on the whole being done by friends - so the net result is a longer time scale. Also to mention is if this sells ok ( some 300 people ) reserved  copies before it goes out + my mate is sorting out world wide distribution through his publisher, every penny is going to charity after production costs. I have to knuckle down and complete my stories now , most of my spare time has been spent setting out, editing and adding to some of the contributions - the problem is ballancing up the way the stories have been written, then making them reader friendly, it does have to flow... he says ...! 

 I will add to this post Monday when back from Gateshead, with a more detailed summary of what is actually happening. Thanks for the interest so far.



the tale of the first 'soul sound' on skofield as told in shades,of soul, should definitely be in there



On 2/8/2015 at 18:59, Dothe45 said:

Went over to the US in June  72. Digging for vinyl  ....   Also dealt with Ray Avery  Glendale California         Happy days.                                                                                                                  

Also used to buy in late 60's / early 70's from Ray Avery's in Calif (didn't his shop get destroyed in the 71 earthquake ?) -- thou a branch exsisted after that, I believe it was in new premises. Before Avery's, used to buy from Randy's Record Store in Gallatin, Tn (they sent out catalogues). Also bought (mail order) from big cut-out warehouse somewhere in the NY / NJ area (gave all their lists -- sent out monthly) to Snowy way back in the mid 70's. The warehouse list went from 10c per 45 to 50c per 45 .... with tea-chests full of 45's on offer at about 1c per 45 (but the chests contained 100's & you didn't know what you were getting).  

In the 80's, used to go down to Telford to Oldies Unlimited and get 'locked in' the old chapel where they kept all the old stock of import 45's ..... would be let out at the end of the day with piles of 45's & haggle with owner over how much we had to pay (a few pence per 45 it was but he was always trying to push up the costs as we had 'picked em' ourselves). Prior to that, around 1968/69/70, would go down on train to Leighton Buzzard to F L Moores (when he was still in the old house) & dive thru all his piles of soul 45's ...then up to Wheel to sell some for 2/3 times what we'd paid a few hours earlier. GREAT DAYS !!   



Spoke to Andy last week and hes said the book will be out for Christmas 2016

Guest nametaken


Please please please reserve me a copy xx 

Shelly and The Baz Man :wub: xx xx 



Good luck with this Andy and team - really looking forward to reading it. :thumbsup:





Can't wait to get my hands on this.  Love record digging stories more than anything!



Update please on any progress on this much anticipated tome 

Winsford Soul


44 minutes ago, Jaco said:

Update please on any progress on this much anticipated tome 

Nice reminder Jaco.  I keep forgetting to ask Andy when I'm out and about.  Ive not heard anything recently.  




On 09/09/2018 at 19:18, Winsford Soul said:

Nice reminder Jaco.  I keep forgetting to ask Andy when I'm out and about.  Ive not heard anything recently.  


Did this project ever get completed or has it been permanently canned? Shame if it never sees the light of day



Sure Andy wont mind me speaking about this, as far as I know he is working frantically to finish his. As for my book, I too have been working on my project and it has to be out this year. Anyone who has taken on a project like this will know just how time consuming these things can be. One thing I can say just as Andy would "Its a nightmare"

Kev Cane


1 hour ago, Gilly said:

Sure Andy wont mind me speaking about this, as far as I know he is working frantically to finish his. As for my book, I too have been working on my project and it has to be out this year. Anyone who has taken on a project like this will know just how time consuming these things can be. One thing I can say just as Andy would "Its a nightmare"

Ey up my man, can't wait for both, essential reading 




On 29/01/2020 at 09:30, Gilly said:

Sure Andy wont mind me speaking about this, as far as I know he is working frantically to finish his. As for my book, I too have been working on my project and it has to be out this year. Anyone who has taken on a project like this will know just how time consuming these things can be. One thing I can say just as Andy would "Its a nightmare"

Put me down for one Gilly please (What's it about ? 😃)



Andy's book is a compilation of stories about record digging from numerous people around the globe and mine is about the 5 trips I made to Detroit 85/87/90/92/94 who I spent quality time with and amongst the very first to achieve it, finding Little Ann, stopping at Popcorns house for a week, visiting Duke Browner, befriending Dave Hamilton, fainting in Pat Lewis's house, being at a party with George Clinton and that's just the start of it. Also the fun times I had here in the UK with some of these people 



Either of these books ever been published? Or at least still ongoing projects?  



Gilly's book was published in I think early 2021. And what a damn fine read it was. Or still is.



What is Gilly's book called?

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