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Record Digging Stories.. Book..

Been working steadily - well very steadily on the book i mentioned some years ago on here on the fascinating and colourful record hunting addiction.Time is always a problem factor but certainly making headway now,largely due to the fact that the lovely Nicola Anderson kicked me up the backside and saved the day by getting me and the book organised ! so Nicola is now my partner in getting this project running like a well oiled eerr...machine !


A brief recap to some who may not have seen my initial post ,the book is going to be accounts from the front line by many of the top record finders,collectors,dj's and vinyl addicts (Nicola will post some of the names we got on board shortly )but it ranges from the old days of crawling through dirt,muck and filth ,trawling through hundreds of thousands of 45's to the up to date artist,producer findinding modern day vinyl crate diggers from the states.Primarily the stories were going to be focused on the states but, some interesting uk stories are more than worthy of inclusion.So if anyone out there can tell a story that no one else can ( factual of course) then shout up and let us know - storie(s) can be as long or short as you like ! It is quite a task to remember certain things from 10,20,30 years ago but very rewarding and sometimes sad going back in time to places ,situations and in some cases faded memories of characters no longer with us.To note this project is also really a labour of love ,if it does make any money ,it will all go to a charity(s) all contributers to date have done so for the love of it,although if any expenses are incurred we have no problem covering those.

Will keep you all up to speed and leave it with Nicola to list some of the names already on board.


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Guest Lobster Madras


. hatsoff2.gif



my old mate, Swish took me to an old bike shop in Leeds around 71 I think. full of boxes of UK Columbia's, Parlophones,HMV's etc. I went back and it had been demolished.

Anoraks Corner


  On 19/11/2010 at 00:05, oscar toney said:

my old mate, Swish took me to an old bike shop in Leeds around 71 I think. full of boxes of UK Columbia's, Parlophones,HMV's etc.

Funny you should mention bike shops, as my research on Japanese record retailers landed up with the fact that the record companies initially used watch and bike shops to stock their players, needles and discs. They did this as these two trades already had good sites and established trade.

You've also just reminded me of a shop I used to visit off the Old Kent Road in the mid-8Ts...a newsagents that also jsut happened to have 1000's of UK shop stock in label order behind the counter. Mick Smith had hit it many years earlier, but I got plenty out of there including Shane Martin on CBS and Roy Hamilton on MGM...and two of the three Bowie Pye 45s as well.




I just thought that I would bring this thread back up.

Things are steadily moving along and we are getting some stories in.

Andy and I are still contacting people but if any of you have a story to tell and would like to share your experience please do not hesitate to contact Andy or myself.

My direct email once again is nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com

Dave Raistrick


Hi Nicola,

What is the deadline date for stories etc.....



Ian Dewhirst


  On 18/11/2010 at 01:49, Lobster Madras said:

Carl Fortnum and Gary Spencer have got some beauties to tell from the last gold rush in Texas ... late 80s ... hatsoff2.gif

Ah, that makes sense then. Texas appeared to be cleaned out when I went in '89. I spent a few days there on both ends of a 6 week trip but didn't find much. Had great hits in Little Rock, Decatur, Des Moines, St Louis, Chicago and Madison though......

Ian D



  On 09/12/2010 at 11:33, Dave Raistrick said:

Hi Nicola,

What is the deadline date for stories etc.....



Morning Dave

Hope you and Donna are well and had a fruitful as well as enjoyable time in the States?

Andy and I have decided that the deadline we are going to try and work to is now going to be mid to late February. This way we can all enjoy the Christmas festivities. I shall be typing up the rest of Gilly's stories and I know Andy will be doing his, so we know it's not a five minute job and if anyone needs any tips etc Please don't be afraid to contact me (or Andy) and I will do my very best to help.

We are both also still trying to work through (and adding to) our lists and contact as many people as we can think of that should be asked if they would like to be included. Therefore, I will ask once again if there is anybody that would like to contribute please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself or Andy.



  On 09/12/2010 at 11:33, Dave Raistrick said:

Hi Nicola,

What is the deadline date for stories etc.....




dont forget about the story where you stopped at the munsters type house .

Guest Biz


  On 13/12/2010 at 18:59, rupert said:


dont forget about the story where you stopped at the munsters type house .

Was that in boston Rupes :thumbup::wicked::hypo:laugh.giflaugh.gif



  On 13/12/2010 at 23:21, Biz said:

Was that in boston Rupes :huh::lol::no::no::D

no biz i reckon he was at yours :D



  On 16/11/2010 at 15:26, oscar toney said:

I remember Soussan in Leeds around 1970-ish, every time we went in Jumbo Records he was there, asking us about sounds, did we like this or what did we think of that? a pain in the arse at the time, to be honestno.gif

As you say Peter , SS was a pain in the arse back then .

I remember Hunter Smith physiically throwing Saucepan out of jumbo one day , after he had pissed Hunter off once too

often :huh:




With Christmas and New Year over with I thought it best to retrieve this thread again.

I am still going through my list as I expect Andy is too. We now have a wide variety of contributors but once again if there is anyone who wants to contribute please don't hestitate to get in touch with either myself or Andy.

As stated in a previous post we have moved the deadline to mid/end of February.

Guest souls


the stories from some of the young midwest 'crate digger' minded collectors of the early 90's are mind blowing.

diggin up burried records from the backyard on the north end of detroit, to being handed respirators and gloves to brave the deep dark basment full of 100's of thousands of 45s on the westside of chicago

dead animals, toilets that drain onto basement floors, a very recurring smell of human piss, more mold than you want to imagine, rotting floors, etc.

A lot of amazing records came from these young courageous lads... matter of fact they still are



  On 20/01/2011 at 02:13, souls said:

the stories from some of the young midwest 'crate digger' minded collectors of the early 90's are mind blowing.

diggin up burried records from the backyard on the north end of detroit, to being handed respirators and gloves to brave the deep dark basment full of 100's of thousands of 45s on the westside of chicago

dead animals, toilets that drain onto basement floors, a very recurring smell of human piss, more mold than you want to imagine, rotting floors, etc.

A lot of amazing records came from these young courageous lads... matter of fact they still are

Yes i've had some interesting times in the mid-west ,a real specialist hunting ground which to sift through correctly requires good regional knowledge.. seems to have musical styles of it's very own.By all means get in touch with myself or Nicola and we'll be more than happy to include any stories you have !

Just a general update note, The amount and quality of stories has been and continues to be way beyond our expectations - so i'm gonna leave deadline date open for now ,it would certainly be a injustice to the book to miss out on some of the latest contributers ! The book will definately be out by november -definately so still time to get stuff in to us - will update with a final cut off , got some great photo's ,store cards ,old lists and even some well known artists throwing a story or two in the mix.thanks in advance.

Dave Raistrick


A few of mine on the way soon .........


Dave :thumbsup:



  On 25/01/2011 at 11:23, Dave Raistrick said:

A few of mine on the way soon .........


Dave :thumbsup:

Yes thanks Dave certainly looking forward to those mate !

Kris Holmes


I am posting the details up on a few other record forums so hopefully they will get in touch with you to contribute.

Chris Anderton


Still got mine to do...

cant wait to read the others!




This book has nothing to do with me directly but with me going out with Nicola its in your face anyway(the book that is).Some years ago Andy D started to pester me about writing my own pesonal stories and he continude to pester me for a long time,now with me being a bit of an arsole it took me a long time to actualy do it.Once i made a start that was it i was away and loving every minute of it,some of my own trips have and are being put in The Soul Up North mag and im glad to say the feed back has been great so when this book comes out god knows what the response will be,the skys the limit.What im asking is this,if you have a story to tell no matter how big or how small please send it in,if youve been on one of these record digging trips then your a part of it,so it now needs to be put into writing(documented).Many thanks for taking a look at this post.Gilly

Baz Atkinson


Agree with Gilly THIS WILL BE A FANTASTIC READ EVERYONE HAS SUCH UNIQUE FUNNY STORIES ABOUT THE USA -you seem to get caught up more with the fun of it than the thrill of the chase lol-dealing with US dealers is a whole topic or 6 in its own right -record people are not normal people [WEIRED is not an accurate description lol],bring on the book it will be full of hilarious surprises and some of the lenghs us mad brits and european counterparts have gone to to chase the records down !!


Mark Bicknell


Started doing mine almost there just needs some fine tuning from Mrs Bicknell i.e.to check my smelling lol

Regards - Mark Bicknell.



  On 07/02/2011 at 00:27, Kris Holmes said:

we got things rolling over here with some cool ones: Record Digging Stories

Thank you Kris, I will have a look when I get home tonight.



Hello again. As this thread has been moved into Look At Your Box and it has taken me ages to find it again, I thought I would bring it back upto the top so that you all know where it is.

Guest Byrney


Looking forward to this Nicola.

What's latest ETA?

Cheers Byrney



Hi Byrney, we haven't got an actual ETA at the moment as we are still collating stories but with an end of spring early summer deadline we are working towards the end of the year. I hope this helps.

Ernie Andrews


NIcola get some of the hairy stories from Dave Thorley Especially one involving a T-Shirt its hilarious!

What about "The ones that got away" the records you couldnt get the shop to sell to you only to sell to someone else a month later.

Or the most unusual record finds!

ATB Steve



Steve you will be pleased to know that Dave has already sent in some contributions.

With regard to your two other points, "most unsual finds" and "the one that got away", we are also looking for stories/contributions about these as well. After all it is all about Record finding (or not) and your own experience.

Alot of people who I have spoken to didn't think that they have anything to contribute as they never found (or weren't the first to find) any of the big records/unreleased etc etc. However as the conversation has gone on and I have been told at least one story about their experience(s), I have pointed out that they have got a story to tell and asked if they would like to contribute to the book.

At the end of the day everybody has a story to tell and Andy and I would like to give as many people as possible the opportunity to contribute.

Atb Nicola

Chris L


  On 10/11/2010 at 12:16, Dysonsoul said:

the book is going to be accounts from the front line by many of the top record finders,collectors,dj's and vinyl addicts

Is it only restricted to well known figures such as DJs, dealers and the like or can an ordinary Joe also tell his story ?



  On 08/03/2011 at 12:06, Chris L said:

Is it only restricted to well known figures such as DJs, dealers and the like or can an ordinary Joe also tell his story ?

Hopefully ordinary Joes as well .....after all a story is a story. :)

Nicola / Andy, obviously no idea how much material you have gathered but (jumping ahead I know :) ) ...............whats the possibilities of a second volume ?



Hi Chris anybody can contribute.

Just write out your story and mail in onto my email nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com If you have any problems don't hesitate to contact me and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.

SHS Dave thank you for thinking ahead but we ought to get this one finished and published first :lol:

 nice little story :yes:



What's the latest on this project, guys?



  On 11/11/2010 at 12:18, Nicola said:

Just wanted to reiterate that if anyone has any (factual) record digging stories and would like to contribute towards our book, please contact myself or Andy Dyson.

My Email is nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com

Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

Hi Nicola, hopefully you managed to grab the story of ' HOW I FOUND THE NOLAN CHANCE ON BUNKY ' from the thread on here last year. Looking forward to reading the book. A.T.B. Tony. OZ.

Kris Holmes


  On 27/02/2012 at 00:55, suinoz said:

Hi Nicola, hopefully you managed to grab the story of ' HOW I FOUND THE NOLAN CHANCE ON BUNKY ' from the thread on here last year. Looking forward to reading the book. A.T.B. Tony. OZ.

hold up, you managed to find Nolan Chance on Bunky in OZ?? How did we not hear about this??!!??




  On 27/02/2012 at 03:41, Kris Holmes said:

hold up, you managed to find Nolan Chance on Bunky in OZ?? How did we not hear about this??!!??


Hi Kris, there was the full story on here late last year mate. Just tap it in and have a read, Tony.



  On 27/02/2012 at 03:41, Kris Holmes said:

hold up, you managed to find Nolan Chance on Bunky in OZ?? How did we not hear about this??!!??


man, we couldn't stop hearing about it... where were you?

Chris Anderton


Nicola, I have really dragged my feet with this...could make a thousand excuses, kids work etc but I am still interested in contributing if it is not too late.

What is the latest?





Please do it faster as you can :-) can't wait to read about those stories .... Crate digging , old records stores....the kind of stuff i LOVE

+ money to a charity organization... Respect.




Hi, Andy and I are still in the process of collating "stories" and reconnecting with people that have agreed to contribute. However, at the moment we haven't fixed a deadline but as soon as we have one of us will let everyone know. Both Andy and I have been working on the book behind the scenes but like Chris said in his post everyday things such as work, family etc come first. I personally know that due to personal commitments and work I wasn't able to do alot towards the end of last year, I am now able.

Chris we would still love your contribution so please get typing.

Tony (Suinoz) yes I have a copy of the Nolan Chance and your email you sent me.

If anybody would like to contribute their experiences whilst record digging/finding or not and hasn't been in touch please let us know.

My contact email is nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com

Lastly thank you to everybody that has already contributed.



  On 27/02/2012 at 05:01, boba said:

man, we couldn't stop hearing about it... where were you?

Dead right Bob, probably the biggest story and most important find in the last 20 years. I still have the record and might be tempted to put it up for sale once the book is released. So much mystique surrounding the 45 and a true collectors piece that can only increase in value. Tony. OZ.

Steve L


  On 28/02/2012 at 04:55, suinoz said:

Dead right Bob, probably the biggest story and most important find in the last 20 years. I still have the record and might be tempted to put it up for sale once the book is released. So much mystique surrounding the 45 and a true collectors piece that can only increase in value. Tony. OZ.

Didnt you sell this via John Manships auction ? The one with a lot of hype leading up to it?



  On 27/02/2012 at 03:41, Kris Holmes said:
hold up, you managed to find Nolan Chance on Bunky in OZ?? How did we not hear about this??!!?? :wink:




I think this book could turn out to be a best seller Andy / Nicola. And by the sound of it, could run into several volumes. I think that everyone loves a good story, and indeed I have listened to a few over the years. Well done for taking this on, and I for one can't wait to read it.



  On 28/02/2012 at 12:39, Steve L said:

Didnt you sell this via John Manships auction ? The one with a lot of hype leading up to it?

It didn't quite reach my reserve Steve so the 45 came back into my collection. Yes there was a lot of hype and quite rightly so. It was a very important find and hopefully will eventually go to someone who will cherish owning it as much as i do. Keep an eye on the sales section !!

Kris Holmes


  On 29/02/2012 at 01:38, suinoz said:

It didn't quite reach my reserve Steve so the 45 came back into my collection. Yes there was a lot of hype and quite rightly so. It was a very important find and hopefully will eventually go to someone who will cherish owning it as much as i do. Keep an eye on the sales section !!

i think you should possibly have taken the money......... if manship couldn't get your reserve for it, i'm not sure the SS sales section will be able to do better? hope i'm wrong for your sake though.



  On 29/02/2012 at 02:38, Kris Holmes said:

i think you should possibly have taken the money......... if manship couldn't get your reserve for it, i'm not sure the SS sales section will be able to do better? hope i'm wrong for your sake though.

How can you come up with that assumption when you have no idea what my reserve was ??



  On 27/02/2012 at 16:18, Nicola said:

Hi, Andy and I are still in the process of collating "stories" and reconnecting with people that have agreed to contribute. However, at the moment we haven't fixed a deadline but as soon as we have one of us will let everyone know. Both Andy and I have been working on the book behind the scenes but like Chris said in his post everyday things such as work, family etc come first. I personally know that due to personal commitments and work I wasn't able to do alot towards the end of last year, I am now able.

Chris we would still love your contribution so please get typing.

Tony (Suinoz) yes I have a copy of the Nolan Chance and your email you sent me.

If anybody would like to contribute their experiences whilst record digging/finding or not and hasn't been in touch please let us know.

My contact email is nicolaanderson271@btinternet.com

Lastly thank you to everybody that has already contributed.

Thanks Nicola, yes it has been taking a little longer than one would have liked - but many reasons for that ... it certainly is happening - categorically , The cut off date is gonna 100 % be september this year - if it isn't in by then it won't make it ! I dare say there potentially is enough for two volumes of the original planned format and size but gonna re shape and size the whole thing to get every sentence included.I'll try collate a few sample paragrphs over the next few weeks,some reeal corking throwback stuff even from my early trips including a night out and dinner with some of Nicky Scarfo's lads ( who were genuinly into collecting music) in Philly .Will keep it all up to speed from now on.



I believe Mick H has a whole chapter dedicated to him finding a spare copy of the Mello Souls under his left man-boob.

Fascinating stuff.....you just couldn't make it up!



  On 02/03/2012 at 02:33, Mace said:

I believe Mick H has a whole chapter dedicated to him finding a spare copy of the Mello Souls under his left man-boob.

Fascinating stuff.....you just couldn't make it up!

Bloody heck mate ,i'd been told it was his right man - boob ! I really must research more thoroughly ... can you be the official proof reader .....

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