Record Digging Stories.. Book..
Been working steadily - well very steadily on the book i mentioned some years ago on here on the fascinating and colourful record hunting addiction.Time is always a problem factor but certainly making headway now,largely due to the fact that the lovely Nicola Anderson kicked me up the backside and saved the day by getting me and the book organised ! so Nicola is now my partner in getting this project running like a well oiled eerr...machine !
A brief recap to some who may not have seen my initial post ,the book is going to be accounts from the front line by many of the top record finders,collectors,dj's and vinyl addicts (Nicola will post some of the names we got on board shortly )but it ranges from the old days of crawling through dirt,muck and filth ,trawling through hundreds of thousands of 45's to the up to date artist,producer findinding modern day vinyl crate diggers from the states.Primarily the stories were going to be focused on the states but, some interesting uk stories are more than worthy of inclusion.So if anyone out there can tell a story that no one else can ( factual of course) then shout up and let us know - storie(s) can be as long or short as you like ! It is quite a task to remember certain things from 10,20,30 years ago but very rewarding and sometimes sad going back in time to places ,situations and in some cases faded memories of characters no longer with us.To note this project is also really a labour of love ,if it does make any money ,it will all go to a charity(s) all contributers to date have done so for the love of it,although if any expenses are incurred we have no problem covering those.
Will keep you all up to speed and leave it with Nicola to list some of the names already on board.
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