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Postcards From The Factory Issue #2 - February 2002

Postcards From The Factory Issue #2 - February 2002

How the kids from Compton were spotted hanging out in Detroit.

At the height of the Rare Groove scene, during the 1980s , this track by The Jackson Sisters grew to cult status and saw Polydor Records gain some heavy sales when they obliged the record collecting fraternity with a re-issue on their Urban Records imprint.  

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The Soul Factory is a wholly owned subsidiary of Beat Street Records

However, the UK author of the definitive guide to The Whos Who Of Soul Music confused this bunch of teenage girls from Compton (California) with a crew from Detroit. Of course, when you believe in miracles, I guess anything is possible. Damn experts, don't believe a word they say! Such was the mega-stardom of The Jackson Five, the ultimate 1970s boy band, I can only imagine that the worlds youth clubs must have been the haunt of many an A&R executive. From that same teenage genre, came this slice of the action. Shrill, frenetic, and oh so groove worthy, this track came to personify the whole lifestyle and attitude of the Rare Groove movement. To really catch the Rare Groove fever, you had to be at the Hammersmith Record Fairs, held monthly, in West London during the mid 80s . The vibe within the main record hall was not unlike that of the Notting Hill carnival, where the many sound systems were vying for the attention of the ever discerning punter."Turn that racket down, I'm trying to ..."

This particular track was originally issued in the US on Prophesy Records, but was very quickly released in the UK by this subsidiary of CBS Records. Due to its eternal popularity, even the re-issues fetch a good few pounds or so, but as rarities go, I'd be very surprised to see other copies like this UK Demo knocking around today. 


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