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Percy Williams Appeal

Percy Williams Appeal magazine cover

Just recived a Email from Percy's Daughter -

Hi chalky, Life is so unfair here..Dads body still hasnt been cremated and I just got off the phone with Husbands Funeral Home at 734-331-3349. we are all trying here, we are a poor family. If you can find in your heart to help us with any amount he needs $863 more to bury him his body still hasnt been cremated please help. We would appreciate any help you can give.

Percy passed afew weeks ago and still not been laid to rest .. please anyone who would like to donate to help with costs please PM or call 07914808396

site note

hats off to everyone!

hitsville chalky has just posted via comments below

that have just reached the amount needed

read below for full score...

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Hitsville Chalky


Thanks to Chris waterman who as so far Donated along with myself ... we need to Raise $830 to Lay to rest Percy Wiliams from The metros . I Have just came off the phone to the under takers and percy as been there for 6 weeks .. another response from Percy's Daughter - -

dont send to me please send to Husbands funeral home as soon as you can chalky this is killing me how my family is doing us. we raised the money gave it to aunt pearl she spent it and my dad body still laying at funeral home a month after his funeral is unheard of? i cant do anything i an begging for help


please if anyone can help ... PM .



may make things easier for people to donate if there was a paypal email ?

Pete S


may make things easier for people to donate if there was a paypal email ?

Absolutely - set up a paypal account or ask to use someone else's, ask if each member could maybe donate a fiver, Christ if we can donate to buy Gil Blanding one of his own records I'm sure we could help pay for this funeral. Sadly I'm twice bitten, twice shy now so I won't do any fundraising but I can certainly help with mail outs etc.

Mark Bicknell


Aunt Pearl??????? really don't get that bit, happy to donate something if it helps directly.

Mark Bicknell.

Hitsville Chalky


I'm using my paypal account anyone who wishes to help please donate to paypal account Roygennard@virginmedia.com

Thanks to Dave moore and toad .

Mark pearl was percy's sister and was dealing with costs .. percy's daughter thersa told me last night hat they did raise the money but pearl as not paid the remaining balance of $836 . I have phone the undertakers last night and percy is still there after weeks he passed away . Thersa as asked for help to lay her dad at rest . I dont know whats gone on with the family but this is really sad and disgraceful that anyone who as passed and not been laid to rest . I have the undertakers number if anyone want to phone or they can call thersa . The undertakers are sending me a statement and any money which we can help with will be sent directly to them .

Hitsville Chalky


Absolutely - set up a paypal account or ask to use someone else's, ask if each member could maybe donate a fiver, Christ if we can donate to buy Gil Blanding one of his own records I'm sure we could help pay for this funeral. Sadly I'm twice bitten, twice shy now so I won't do any fundraising but I can certainly help with mail outs etc.

Thanks pete I would be so pleased anfd any help you give out on your list .

Pete S


Right I have just sent this message out to almost 1500 people, I really hope you get a response Chalky, let us know how it goes. If any of the other record dealers with a large mailing list want to help out, they are welcome to utilise my message or any part of it.

I just thought I'd mention this as I read it and couldn't quite believe what I was reading.

Perecy Williams was a member of the fantastic Detroit group The Metros. He passed away a few weeks ago and he still hasn't been buried as the family haven't been able to afford the undertakers bill. God what a situation. They are trying to raise the remaining balance of $863. Now, my days as a fundraiser are over, for various reasons, but I did think I ought to mention this and direct anyone who is interested to Soul Source where you can read the entire sorry story.

Here's the link


anyone who wants to donate, the details are at that link or you can send directly to


via paypal

just mention me or planet records and he'll know what it's for.

From what I can gather, the family saved up the money, gave it to a relative to pay the bill and she spent it! Percy's been in the funeral home for 6 weeks. You couldn't make it up could you. Anyway I'm going to send them a tenner, it's not much but it's better than nothing!

cheers everyone


Hitsville Chalky


Thanks Pete ..and Toad will keep you updated .



ok you have a payment !

Dave Moore


It's worth mentioning that all money donated will go straight to the Funeral Home and not via the family.

Message has also gone out to the Hitsville Soul Club members database.



Guest sportique


sent a bit as well

Pete S


there's thousands of members so this should not be beyond us!



Sent a bit, hope it helps

Hitsville Chalky


Thank you to all who have donted ...

Derek Hamer , Paul Carr, Russell Gilbert , David Greet , Alan Thompson , Chris Lalor ,Tim Fletcher , funky street records , telasource . pete Smith , Dave Moore .


Just been on the phone to Thersa and she is so over whelmed with all your love and help for her and her Dad . she wants to thank you . Also I will not be sending any money directly to the family it will be sent directly to the Undertakers ( Husbands ) . Yvonne Vernee also would like to Thank you for all your help .



Thanks to Chris waterman who as so far Donated along with myself ... we need to Raise $830 to Lay to rest Percy Wiliams from The metros . I Have just came off the phone to the under takers and percy as been there for 6 weeks .. another response from Percy's Daughter - -

dont send to me please send to Husbands funeral home as soon as you can chalky this is killing me how my family is doing us. we raised the money gave it to aunt pearl she spent it and my dad body still laying at funeral home a month after his funeral is unheard of? i cant do anything i an begging for help


please if anyone can help ... PM .

Sad to hear this Roy !! it doesn't seem 2 minutes since you got back from Detroit with the sad news!! Anyway I will ring you re this about 6.30 Atb John.

Hitsville Chalky


Sad to hear this Roy !! it doesn't seem 2 minutes since you got back from Detroit with the sad news!! Anyway I will ring you re this about 6.30 Atb John.

Cheers John .speak later .

Guest Byrney


there's thousands of members so this should not be beyond us!

Tragic situation. Sure we can all bung a fiver in :thumbsup:

Guest brummiemick


Very sad situation and makes you realise how difficult life is for people. Donation just sent - Mick



Cheers John .speak later .

Keep up the good work mate!! Bit of good news there!! Atb John.

Hitsville Chalky


Very sad situation and makes you realise how difficult life is for people. Donation just sent - Mick

Thank you so much mick with a large dontion you made ... will update everyone later trying to keep up with all emails .

Hitsville Chalky


Keep up the good work mate!! Bit of good news there!! Atb John.

Thanks buddy .

Hitsville Chalky


Thanks to Brummy Mick , Richard Canning , John Edge ,Robert Messer , Joan.. Margaret livesey , Peter Burgess ,Andrew link ,Anthony Byrne

SO FAR - £345.98

Thank you all .

Pete S


See - easy!

Hitsville Chalky


See - easy!

Just been on the Phone to Thersa she is in tears and wants to THANK YOU ALL who have Donated . I Have just calculated the money from uk to US dollars and its roughly $475 .00 . we need $836.00 for percy to be cremated . also i will be sending a card with everyones name who as made donation . once again THANK YOU !

Pete S


Just been on the Phone to Thersa she is in tears and wants to THANK YOU ALL who have Donted . I Have just calculated the money from uk to US dollars and its roughly $475 .00 . we need $836.00 for percy to be cremated . also i will be sending a card with everyones name who donted to her . once again THANK YOU !

It's actually around $530 Chalky.

Use this site www.xe.com

Hitsville Chalky


It's actually around $530 Chalky.

Use this site www.xe.com

Ok pete i just used the paypal one to see roughly how much it converts .

Hitsville Chalky


Your right pete its $534.00 i suppose it depends on the exchange rate . Fantastic News !



Your right pete its $534.00 i suppose it depends on the exchange rate . Fantastic News !

Chalky it might be worth seeing if anyone at the funeral home has a Paypal account they can use that way you can get things moving a bit faster!! you might lose out a little on the exchange rate but after this length of time I think speed is of the essence!! Just a thought!! regards John.

mark castle


Really touched by this, what an awful situation - small donation sent, hope it helps



So very sad..... let's all give this man the proper send off he deserves, with dignity, respect and love.. God bless x



C'mon peeps not far away now!! every little helps!! :yes::thumbsup:

Guest pauldicko


Payment just sent via paypal mate.



What a very sad situation...... in a supposed modern world......Donation made Chalky!



What a very sad situation...... in a supposed modern world......Donation made Chalky!

A situation like this in a modern world kinda buggers believe!! But he had a good friend in Chalky!! Well done mate :yes:

Pete S


Got this email this morning:

Hello Pete,

what an unbelievable story. Sad, sad. Sent Roy a tenner, but what is more important: Copied the infos to my facebook site. Hope this will help.



must be nearly there now?



Got this email this morning:

Hello Pete,

what an unbelievable story. Sad, sad. Sent Roy a tenner, but what is more important: Copied the infos to my facebook site. Hope this will help.



must be nearly there now?

Thanks for sending the email out Pete I think that helped immensely!! for someone not getting involved in fund raising I think you have done a pretty good job!! Well Done :thumbsup: Atb John.

Naughty Boy


sent..... a little closer now :thumbsup:

Pete S


Thanks for sending the email out Pete I think that helped immensely!! for someone not getting involved in fund raising I think you have done a pretty good job!! Well Done :thumbsup: Atb John.

The people on my mailing list are brilliant John (as are the people on here). They always respond like this.

Hitsville Chalky


Please please can we stop ive just checked the account and we have raised ... £734.26 GBP ... wow i'm bloody speechless , Also I have recived email from Husbands they do have a paypal account .... I will do full up statement later need to speak Thersa .

Guest mellytee


make sure there is enough for a plaque or page in the book or whatever memorial the family might like??? Just a thought?

melly xx

Got your address Chalky & on its way x

Pete S


Please please can we stop ive just checked the account and we have raised ... £734.26 GBP ... wow i'm bloody speechless , Also I have recived email from Husbands they do have a paypal account .... I will do full up statement later need to speak Thersa .

Right are you sure you want it stopped Chalky, I'll email everyone and tell them if you're sure.



Donated and reposted the appeal on Facebook. :)



Please please can we stop ive just checked the account and we have raised ... £734.26 GBP ... wow i'm bloody speechless , Also I have recived email from Husbands they do have a paypal account .... I will do full up statement later need to speak Thersa .

Hi Chalky, Good News!! Just A thought we could try and raise a llittle more ( keep account open until say midnight sunday ) and try the funeral home to find out how much a commemorative brass plaque in the crematorium would cost as we have about a $300 start!! and it shouldn't be to costly!! Atb John.

Pete S


Best thing to do is that now the money has been raised, pay the funeral home and then leave them all to get on with it.

Guest mellytee


Good point Pete s



Please please can we stop ive just checked the account and we have raised ... £734.26 GBP ... wow i'm bloody speechless , Also I have recived email from Husbands they do have a paypal account .... I will do full up statement later need to speak Thersa .

Sorry mate by the time I had put what we spoke about down in words a few others on here had the same idea !! :yes: " Go For It Seems To Be The General Opinion" It's up to you chalky!! Well Done Anyway To Everyone!! :yes: :yes: :yes::thumbsup:

Dave Moore


Well done to all who donated.

It was simply the right thing to do. :thumbsup:



Hitsville Chalky


Right let me start by thanking every single one of you who have helped with this appeal . -

Chris waterman , Dave Moore , John Edge , Pete Smith , Funky street records , Tim Fletcher

Telasource , Chris Lalor ,Alan Thompson, Dave Greet ,Russel Gilbert ,Paul Carr ,Derek Hamer

Margaret Livesey ( Joan) ,Pete Burgess ,Anthony Byrne ,Robert Messer , Brummy Mick ,

Richard Canning ,Andrew Link ,Wendy Tuson,Martin Coleman,Pete Swift ,John Porteous ,

Stephen Bratherton ,Mark Castle ,John Elias ,Chris Thompson ,Phyllis Horn ,Amanda Williams ,

Peter Mcbride ,Dave Brown ,David MacPherson , Paul Dickinson , Michael Wilks , Michael Lofthouse

Pete Flowler , Ralf Mehnert , David Clegg , Paul Waldock , Rob Ryan , Phillip Hughes , Mark Pacan

Jill Smith ., Denis Johnson , Paco Beumer , Spa Weekenders , Soulful sales . And Melly Tee .

The outstanding Balance was $ 836.00 which below is a Email Which I recived From Husbands - - -

Re: Mr. Percey Williams

Good Evening,

Per my conversation with Shaquita at our funeral home tonight, this email is to give you our Paypal account. Firstly you should know that Mr. Williams funeral was very well attended and the level of dignity provided Mr. Williams was superb.

My Paypay account can be accessed via Mwiener344@aol.com and the balance is $836.00.

Should you have any questions, feel free to email me at anytime.

Our best to you for a safe and happy holiday.


Marty Wiener

Husband Family Funeral Home

Westland, Michigan

I Have just sent Payment for $900.00 to the Paypal account for Husbands with extra cost so We can have a few words on Percy's cast . This will Read -

Percy Williams RIP " Sweetest One " Your Music will Live on , Lots of love from Your fans In the UK and from the Northern soul Scene .

Hope this is ok .. Percy used to Say to Me he could not Belive he had fans for the music he Made .

Also Just Been on the phone to Husbands and They have informed me Percy will now be cremated on Monday Morning .

As for his ashes I dont want to go into much detail as its for the Family to really sort out but I have instructed Husbands to Allow Tammy Percy's Daughter to Have them just like Thersa as asked me to do . Tammy as just been on the phone and she is totally in Tears and would like to Thank you all . if anyone Wants to get in touch wiith Tammy or Thersa they are on facebook .. Tammy Womack . , Thersa Chatmon .

Below is a recipt from Paypal - -

You sent a payment

Dear roy gennard,

You sent a payment for $900.00 USD to MARTY WIENER.

Please note that it may take a little while for this payment to appear in the Recent Activity list on your Account Overview.

Husbands Phone is 001 734 331 3349 if anyone as concerns about Payment .

From The Appeal I Have £200 Left I could forward this to Thersa and let her to decide what to do with it for her Dad or anyone with idea's .

Once again Thank you all who have Helped to Lay Percy to Rest and please dont't ever tell me Northern soul is about Matrix numbers on a 45 it just shows people on our scene do care .

KTF Chalky

Mike Lofthouse


Thanks for sorting it out - great effort Chalky.

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