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Otis Secrets Out I Got A Problem Previously Un - Issued

Otis Secrets Out I Got A Problem Previously Un - Issued magazine cover

Since being involved and working for Secret Stash Records I have had the pleasure and joy of going through the excising master tapes of One-derful, Mar-V-Lus, M-Pac, Toddlin' Town, Midas and Halo,there are some 250 sound files packed with alt takes, finished studio masters and un-issued material, Secret Stash have been releasing some stunning CD/Album compilations and 45 releases, my job has been basically to raise the profile of the company, market, promote and also develop  future 45 releases, with the support and help from the Soul scene there are now three new releases in the process from The Sharpees - 'Go On And Laugh' B/W 'Get It Together' which is due out later this month all being well followed by The Ringleaders - 'I'd Like To Win You Over' B/W 'Sweet Little Girl' AKA 'All Of My Life' due out towards Christmas time and last but not least just about the best thing I've heard in many years Otis Clay - 'I Got A Problem' B/W 'Thank You Love', as soon as I played the track I knew I was onto something pretty special, Bobby Kline collides with Chuck Jackson - 'What's With The Loneliness'  it's that good, swirly female backing and a crunching vocal from Otis Clay, this is right up there with the classic mid tempo tunes connected with the soul scene.

I sent Richard Searling an MP3 of this and his reply was one word 'Excellent, Sean Hampsey a huge Otis Clay fan played it at his Diggin' Deep event in Sheffield and the reaction was instant so much so he will be featuring the track at the Kings Hall Allnighter in the rare room very soon, both he and Richard have exclusivity for the time being to play the track and myself with a dub promo to feature at the Showcase events I am doing including Dave Rastricks Skegness Weekender coming up and the Gilberts Allnighter for Pep coming up in October and Route 61 Soul night in Sheffield also in October.

All the tracks have been well received at venues so far including Leeds Central for Steve Luigi and the Ibstock Allnighter recently for Chris King and Martin Alsop, looking to add to these events whenever possible.

You can pre reserve all the future releases (no payment required until records released), all demos for The Sharpees have been reserved so only stock/issues available on that  and both demos and stock/issues of The Ringleaders and Otis Clay are available to pre reserve, demos £20.00 and stock/issues are £12.00 plus postage, there will be further releases in the process soon, looking at doing perhaps a CD of all the interesting alternate takes etc on the likes of The Ringleaders, The Sharpees, The Inspirations, Big Daddy Rogers, Harold Burrage, Otis Clay and more.

I still keep re visiting the tapes so the list keeps on growing, there are some MP3's in there some 30/40 minutes long and more, click the play button and there is nothing for sometimes a few second or a couple of minutes then bang you hear one,two,three four and a song starts found one thing like that a wonderful early 70's dancer and we don't have a clue who it is, it's so much fun doing this and if I was only to be involved on the three records I helped on that would be enough for me, to be involved in bringing to the attention to people of the likes of Otis Clay is such an honour.

Sharing The Stash is a joy for me and again thank you to everyone who are enjoying the records, no longer a secret I'm glad to say, I have posted live recordings of Otis Clay and an alternate take of The Ringleaders - 'Baby What Has Happened To Our Love' slower version than the released one on the Facebook group 'Secret Stash Chicago Soul Releases UK Division' with regular posts and updates of what's happening with the Stash.


Mark Bicknell

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