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On This Day - A post by Karen

Today it is a year since Randy Cozens died. Im sure a lot of people will be thinking of him, especially with Soulgate coming up.

Its a v.sad day. Ive had many comments over the year saying how much he is missed, how things dont seem the same without him, and how much he was admired and also many from people not realising how much he did for our scene. HOW TRUE.

I would personally like to say a big thanks to many for being there for me - I think they all know who they are - if I list them - be a long list! Without them I dont know where Id be. Even if you werent fortunate enough to know Randy or have only heard of him, Soulgate will show you what sort of person he was. I remember telling him how some thought of him as their hero - he looked bemused and just said wish I was your hero! Of course he was! But he was a hero to so many others too. He might be gone from here, but he is certainly not forgotten and never will be - as so many of us will keep his memory alive.

Randy - still missing you, Karen B x

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