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Odds & Ends Happening

Dont forget if you have a soul related thing going and want to spread the word, on it feel free to post/submit/email details in and get it featured on this site. Idea of site is to provide a good resource for soul fans to find out what is going on, what has happenend, what is available. Like to think were getting there, picking up about six thousand plus visitors per month, so if got ought want passed on.......get on it now!

Few odd clips of news

Johnny Vaughan Northern Soul Patrol on TV - Lot of laughs with this and done in a good funny surreal sort of way, classy backing as well from Kent

records. Read that the guys are from Wokings scooter club "The Lost Souls". May be a bit late but catch it if you can.

Togetherness Weekenders - On Jazz Fm Richard Searling annouced that theres gonna be two Togetherness weekenders next year.

New Event- Again also on Jazz FM again word was that details of a Legendary Venue returning will be annouced in the next Togetherness mag.

Togetherness Mag - The next issue is out at the begining of next month, after some of the content in the last issue would like to think it can only get better.

Togetherness - Seems that Soul-Source no longer gets the togetherness press release emails, nice one! But no need to worry Kev we will still carry on reporting interesting stuff concerning them, it just wont be official!!

Radio - Kev Roberts has a new radio show on Solar Radio on Saturdays, can catch it either thru internet or even better thru Sky digital in UK, (can you get solar in europe??)

Details : "Starting Saturday 9 February at 10-00am GMT - we welcome Kev Roberts to Solar - and his "Hall of Fame" a new weekly programme featuring Northern Soul Anthems, Vintage all time soul greats, interviews and prize giveaways. "


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