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Northern Soul Hall Of Fame - New Feature

Northern Soul Hall Of Fame - New Feature magazine cover

A new feature on Soul Source... the start-up of the Soul Source Northern Soul Hall Of Fame

Brought to life after a suggestion by Lorraine Chandler, today sees day 1 of this new feature


The Soul Source Northern Soul Hall Of Fame (SS-NSHOF) is established in order to create an acknowledgment of people who have contributed to that recognized special sound of Northern Soul that enhanced the lives of the Northern Soul audience and still today provides an enrichment in their lives


Over a given time period members will nominate artists

From these nominations inductees will then be selected by the HOF board


A new forum has been setup to co-ord and inform. Its called

Northern Soul Hall Of Fame


the first Board Members are as below

Lorchand : Lorraine Chandler

TattooDave : Dave Hogenson

SWIFTY : Peter Swift

Eddie Hubbard : Eddie Hubbard

Stateside : Kevin Horsewood

Dooby : Ian Turner

Dave Moore : Dave Moore

Dave Moore will act as the Point Of Contact for any member’s queries etc.

(thanks to all who stepped up)


'It is hoped that Induction onto the SSHOF will be marked by the insertion of a page within the dedicated SS-NSHOF Forum for the Inductee and a small award/presentation to successful Inductees or their families'


Full information and details on all aspects of this feature can be found via the charter page in the new Hall Of Fame Forum

The Charter Page :


All q's are best directed to Dave Moore via the above forum


Hopefully this will in time become a worthwhile and enjoyable feature, the success of it does depend on you the members getting involved and taking part...

Edited by Mike

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