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Northern Soul a Wigan Casino: Ffordd o fyw

Northern Soul a Wigan Casino: Ffordd o fyw magazine cover

Northern Soul a Wigan Casino: 'Ffordd o fyw'

BBC Cymru running 'Northern Soul a Wigan Casino: 'Ffordd o fyw'' on their website featuring Vaughan Evans 


'Ffordd o fyw'

I Vaughan Evans mae Northern Soul yn "ffordd o fyw" ac yn Wigan Casino wnaeth pob dim ddechrau pan agorwyd hi yn 1973.

"Ro'n i tua ugain oed a es i i mewn i siop Guests yn Llangefni ac roedd 'na magazine Blues and Soul ar y shilff. Nes i jest darllen hwnnw a ffeindio tudalen 'Wigan Casino All Nighter' ac mi oedd Edwin Starr yn chwarae yno," meddai Vaughan, sefydlydd gorsaf radio Môn FM.


The full article with images can be read via https://www.bbc.co.uk/cymrufyw/59681953

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Enjoyed the article , Great  to see the picture of Vaughn with my old mate Barry (Big Eyes ) Robinson ,(R.I.P.) always the sharpest dressed guy around .



Da iawn.



I watched it but can't understand a word he is saying apart from titles and names! 



1 hour ago, D9 Ktf said:

I watched it but can't understand a word he is saying apart from titles and names! 

yep that's expected, it's from/on BBC Cymru website  👍

Paul R


Somehow one of my sisters photos cropped up on it. She used to knock about with Vaughan and the Welsh crowd, and one of the photos with Pat Blasebury(now known as Trish Pointer) was hers. She is also in the left background of the picture outside.

Still no photos of me though. Perhaps I was never there!




Visited the Casino from 75 to 81 - and in all that time can’t remember anyone speaking Welsh - like that 🤔

Happy Feet


Not wishing to hijack this excellent feature, but there used to be a very vibrant Northern soul scene in North Wales , Colwyn Bay Pier Alnighters, and Aldayers with Brian Rae back in the park again in Colwyn bay , even saw Wayne Fontana in Rhyl with a good traveling crowd from Wolverhampton and Blackpool , and that's just the ones I can remember . Used to have a great traveling crowd too , stopping off at Crewe , then last train to the Casino , found many a great tune in the local charity shop .



On 18/12/2021 at 20:07, Happy Feet said:

 Colwyn Bay Pier Alnighters, and Aldayers with Brian Rae back in the park again in Colwyn bay 

Used to travel up from Bedford to the Colwyn Bay nighters - Was a really crap drive in those days but well worth it. For some strange reason they used to sell bottles of Pomayne which went down well with the other 'sundries'. Pity they demolished it, drove past when on holiday & it was gone !

Always had a good following from Wales to Wigan & all the other top nighters of the time, its a shame I haven't a Welsh speaker to tell me whats being said on the film - I havent a clue. Did notice the Studio 51 or whatever it was called mentioned so I suppose that old chestnut about Billboard is still being circulated even in Welsh !

Mal C


@Wilxy  Hi Mike, I remember you menttioning allot of folk from Blackwood (South Wales) area used to go to the Casino. Cant imagine any of them spoke welsh back in the seventies, I might be wrong...


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