New Record Label via Deptford Northern Soul Club
Lester Tipton Edward Hamilton

Word going round about a new 'modern reissue ' record label starting up from the Deptford Northern Soul Club people. First release at the end of November.
Release promotional blurb follows below...
A modern reissue label enabling Northern Soul lovers, young and old, to experience the music as it was meant to be heard.
A - Lester Tipton - This Won’t Change
B - Edward Hamilton - Baby Don’t You Weep
Debut seven-inch single from DJs Deptford Northern Soul Club featuring two classic floor fillers from mid-’60s Detroit.
Includes the late Detroit soulman Lester Tipton’s one and only release ‘This Won’t Change’ from 1966, original copies of which go for a staggering $5000. Plus, from ‘67, Edward Hamilton And the Arabians’ superb ‘Baby Don’t You Weep’ which the one-time member of The Falcons recorded for Lou Beatty’s Mary Jane label, originals of which go for a paltry £250.
Shipping out on or around November 29, 2019
Release details via bandcamp
Deptford Northern Soul Club website
Edited by Mike
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