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More Internet Soul related thievery

Yet again another story concerning people who just dont give a **** for anyone else.

Many people will be aware that there are several soul fans, who go round photographing going ons at soul events. These photgraphers often put in a lot of time and effort taking these photos, and of course there are all the expenses of doing this such as travel etc that has to be covered.

Obvisouly many soul fans are interested in seeing these photos so many authors do allow them to be diplayed via web sites free of charge. And sure that many appreciate this and are grateful to then for allowing this to happen


Now should be no problem with any of the above, yeah? Well there is actually, had word that yet again someone is more than happy to rip off other soul fans. work, time and effort.It seems that photos put on public display by one of the best known scene photographers Dave Leedham are being downloaded, printed off, then laminated and sold on to soul fans.

Now while copyright law can be a bit grey on subject of images and selling on, but surely no one can think that they had any right o do this.The authors of these photois are often well known and respected and part of todays soul scene.

For someone to then come along , download them, print them out, laminate and then sell them on is yet another example of just what w******s are out there.

Crap like this is just taking the **** and is pure thievery.

if on web or out and about do spot likes of this going on please pass on details

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