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Message from the Family of Derek Allen

I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts, condolences, cards, website messages and floral tributes. I would like to thank everyone for their kind thoughts, condolences, cards, website messages and floral tributes.

I know Derek would have been both touched and amazed at all those who came to the funeral, especially so near to Christmas. He would have been suitably embarrassed at so much attention. I am so sure he was watching especially when the sun shone through the window near the end of the service. I am extremely grateful to those friends who arranged the venue and the food afterwards. Derek is irreplaceable in our lives; he loved his family and adopted my relatives as his own. Iam sure, by the thoughts that have been expressed over the last month that many of you will remember him for quite some time to come. He was a kind, thoughtful, honest and gentle man who loved his music and will be greatly missed. He was taken too soon and I cannot imagine my life without him. Paula Allen

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