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Message from Mark B

Dear All, Sorry Ive not posted too much here recently but Ive just had the worst week of my life as my father Alf Bicknell passed away last Monday, so its been a bastard of a week all in all, thanks for all the good wishes etc. its really helped me get through the past few days, some of you may have known my dad had a pretty unique job back in the 60s as he worked for The Beatles so we have had added presure with the press etc. because of his connection with them. I will try and get back on track with all things soulful over the next few weeks, I hope to honour all DJ bookings if i can but dont shout at me if i cant the music being high on emotion makes it just that little bit harder to do. Any of you who may have met my dad will understand how difficult this is right now he was a super bloke and i will miss him so much. He always made my friends off the scene so welcome when they came to the house when i lived at home, he was a real one off. All the best - Mark Bicknell. bicknellmark@aol.com

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