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Lou Pride Heart attack now recuperating

News has reached the Prestatyn web site that one of our performers from 2003 and northern Soul legend LOU PRIDE has suffered a heart attack whilst in Europe.


Lou had arrived in Switzerland to perform and luckily had the heart attack whilst he was in his hotel so David Earl president of Lous label Severn records was able to rush him to hospital in Luzern where he underwent surgery to place two "stints" near his heart. After just over a week in hospital lou was allowed to "come home in the mornin" and fly back to Chicago last week where he is now recuperating. oLus prognosis is very good and with care, exercise and no back drops he is expected to make a full recovery. lou had just finished recording a new album for Severn records and will now put the finishing touches to it in February for release in the spring 2005.


Anyone wishing to send a get well message to lou can do so via myself at robw@yelp.fsnet.co.uk and i will forward them on to Lous management team.

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