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Kell Osborne passes on

Kell Osborne passes on magazine cover

I heard overnight from Arthur Wright that Kell died on Sunday morning in hospital. He had been there for a week and developed complications which he finally succumbed to.


It was ill health that prevented his appearance at Cleethorpes a couple of years ago when Chalky helped me to arrange a visit to sing to his fans. His heart would have loved to sing for us but sadly his health wasn't up to it.

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Rich Buckley


That's really sad news Ady and such a shame he never managed to get across the pond to see how much he was revered over here. When me and my mob were mods in the late 80s and regularly hitting the 100 Club and some of the better mod nights and this was the era of beat ballads let's not forget,"Quicksand" was truly massive to us. His is such a great story that needs telling again and it's been great to discover the rest of his repertoire over the years. Can someone post a link to his story? RIP Kell.




RIP Kell.



Sad news indeed. He had a truly beautiful and distinctive singing voice.




Gutted to hear this news. I asked last week how his health was and if up for another crack at visiting Cleethorpes and was told not well and having tests but didn't think it would lead to this.

It was only two or three months ago that I got some promo CDs off Kell of some new material and How he'd set up his own label and publishing company and looking forward to the future and making music again.

If interested you can read his story in an article I wrote..... https://www.soul-source.co.uk/articles/soul-articles/you-cant-outsmart-a-woman-the-kell-osbor-r1954

Or on my site which might be slightly more up to date https://www.soulunderground.co.uk/styled-4/

One of my favourite singers......

R.I.P Kell.



I remember when I finally tracked Kell down, took me ages to find him, anyway I rang him up and we had a good chat. Eventually "Law against a heartbreaker" came up and he said he'd not heard it in over 30 years.......I said hang on and played it down the phone to him, he just said "wow" several times, that was all he could say.



I thought from the topic title there were passes available to see the great man. Sadly Chalky's Facebook posting told me otherwise.

Sad loss and another soul great shuffles off this mortal coil.

Mark R


Oh dear, I was only listening to "Quicksand" last night, on the back of the Stafford group on Facebook.

Really sad to hear this, but to be positive, some of these guys left an impression that they are not really aware of, and probably dreamed about all those years ago. Clearly Kell was made aware, which is really nice I think.

R.I.P. Kell Osbourne :(

Mark R

Tony Smith


That's a real shame- RIP Kell Osbourne.



sad loss, a man of great talent.



I first heard Quicksand at Jim Bates (Platters81) nigh on 25 years ago.

I mithered him for months to sell it to me and eventually he caved and let me have it....still got it now, and still love the track as much as ever.

R.I.P Kell.

Mal C


This is really sad news. That image of Kell on the beach will live on though, was a classic 45 and picture cover.. I've not read the linked interviews but did Kell ever mention which of his songs was his favorite?


Guest tosspot


RIP Kell, the next time i'm djing Quicksand will be played in his memory



Another great loss!! R.I.P.Kell



Sad one, small but decent body of work

His Highland 45 one of the most joyous pieces, despite its subject matter, of dance music of any genre, his breathless vocals on it and the break of Huh, Heartbreaking Woman is the stuff of Northern SOUL dreams, The whole thing just makes this thing of ours come alive. Probably one of my favourite records to dance to, just a shame it was such a rare occurence.

And off course his Loma outing, which was my save the dance floor record (used many times a spot) and never failed.

And Quicksand, unique and now for me one of those you had to be there records as in all honesty I don't think it has dated as well as the others, however it has a special place in my heart due to its times. Great memories of the buzz around the night Dave T bought it/played it first.

Another one gone



Pure quality another great voice is taken away

Quicksand still my favourite track


Guest giant


so many great tunes by KELL had to choose which one is my favourite .


Guest oldsoulgit


You can't outsmart a woman + Quicksand are my faves of Kells, fantastic voice,

R.I.P. Kell, cheers Jim.

Guest mrs norman maine


It's a shame that he didn't manage to make the trip over here, but it's nice to hear that he was aware of people's appreciation of his work.

RIP Mr. Osborne



Very Sad News.




Another leaves us, a sad day indeed.

RIP Kell

Guest WheelCity45


Sad News Indeed !!!

Rest In Peace...

Alison H


I was going to mention Kell & the great Quicksand in another thread, a couple of days ago, I didn't, as I went off on a tangent, like I sometimes do, so it's extremely sad that I'm now mentioning it in a thread of his passing.

RIP Mr Osborne x

Rob Wigley


Sad loss and would have been great for him to appear at a gig like Cleethorpes where his music would have let the crowd really show their appreciation of his work. I know Chalky did a lot of work finding him a couple of years back and always talked of meeting him and seeing him perform...sadly now to never be.....RIP Kell

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