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Keith Minshull is 70!

Keith Minshull is 70! magazine cover

This coming Wednesday the 29th July 2020

Is my life long friend Keith Minshulls 70th Birthday.

Because he is shielding as per government guidelines

Keith has been isolating at home with his dog Bobby since March.

So I thought it would be a nice idea to put up the fact that it is his 70th Birthday so you can send him a HB message which I know he would appreciate. I have known Keith since I was 16 years old and in my opinion he is one of the most important originators of this scene we call Northern Soul.

We met in a local record shop in Kidsgrove Steeles on Market Street in 1969and were inseparable for many years chasing and collecting records from Sherwins in Hanley Bews in Burslem, Ralphs in Manchester, Reddingtons in Birmingham, F L Moore in Bedford, Woolworths in Newcastle Under Lyme, Oldies Unlimited Telford, Bradford Market, Picadilly Records Manchester, Selecta Disc Nottingham & many many more. 

He has never flinched from supporting and collecting the music from the Twisted Wheel, Torch, Wigan Casino, Stafford and beyond!! We did our first promotion together at Talke Pits Village Hall, Stoke On Trent in 1969. We Dj'ed together at The Torch pre and throughout the World Famous Allnighters. We still today play together when we can but obviously this has been a tough time for us all.

So all I ask is that if you have any pics stories or memories of Keith to add them to your Happy Birthday Wishes!! It would lift his spirits more than you would know!!

Thank You

Colin Curtis 




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happy birthday Keith.

I have a Wigan Casino poster (on original print paper) with your name misspelled as MINSHELL. Andrew Love also has one in a different colour...and bizarre as it seems your name is also misspelled again, but as MARSHALL. 

Mine hangs in a frame on the landing and most mornings i nod and say hello.




And here it is! 





And here it is! 





I've a few Keith stories. 

I'd just passed my driving test and was celebrating at a Newcastle Tiffs bank holiday all dayer. I'd had a few drinks and Brian Rae convinced me to drive a few of us to an all nighter at Derby Tiff in Keith's wife's mini. Keith said don't worry I'll get the wife to drive you home to Warrington in the morning. So off we go, not really knowing the way, but made it there OK. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel on a motorway/dual carriageway and quickly woke up when I scraped the central reservation. Got to Keith's House, and for some reason my lift was no longer available. So had to hitch it 30 miles home, or upto Sandbach services where I persuaded Denny Johnson to get me home. The Whitchurch all dayer was on that day but was too tired to go. Only one I ever missed:-(




I could’ve sworn he was 86 Happy birthday Keith




Used to spend my wages in bews burslem,where kieth sold records,skiing in the snow my first,and still own in my collection,still have a lot do with him,at local venues,A TOP GUY,WHO KNOWS HIS MUSIC ,HAVE A GUD UN MATE 


Imperial C


A very happy birthday to Keith Minshull. One of my abiding memories from Stafford is Keith launching Eddie Parker I'm Gone through the speakers to the dancefloor, one of those epic moments you never forget. Always looked forward to his set, always great and knew I was in for a good dance.  Many happy returns to Keith & Bobby 



First met Keith at the legendary Torch all nighters, a few of us from kidderminster would  attend and often chat to Keith, although we were younger and with far less soul knowledge than him he would always have time for us. then later at the top rank in Hanley when he got to know us better would call us to the side to show us what was on his play list. No airs and graces from him just a top bloke.






Happy BIrthday for the 29th Keith (same date as my Daughter)

First bumped into Keith in the record bar at the Casino, (or should I say he 'bumped' into me and sent me flying) next thing I know he's on the stage DJ'ing, he did a great spot, so all was forgiven. One of our regular guests at the SAINTS club in St Helens and always did a great set. Last saw him at Alsager with Colin and look forward to seeing him at the Newcastle Tiffs Reunion in 2021.

All the Best Keith, many more of 'em



sir cumference


Minstrel-Ha Ha!

Many fun times with him-but respect to him-he has endured the scene and loads of people hold him in high regard,and top people included.

Bews,Burslem-always remember him, from there.Great bloke.Stokie-enuff said!

Rick Cooper


Happy birthday to Keith, one of the original and best DJs ever.

Keith would always be searching for new records to play and would travel far and wide. I was once at Bradford market early in the day waiting for the stall to open. Just as the stall opened Keith turned up , oh no, I'll have to get searching quick. I don't think I found anything new but Keith snaffled a Mercury demo of The Chalfontes- He Loves Me for 25p after a couple of minutes. 




Met Keith for the first time at the Torch. Got to know him and his wife very well and spent quite a lot of time visiting each other.

Used to sell him quite a few 45s to play whilst the Torch was still going. One funny story, l sold Keith Jimmy Thomas Beautiful Night one Saturday  but he didn't have enough cash so I  accepted an IOU from Chris Burton for a tenner in lieu of Keith's wages. Bloody hell, the Torch got closed down that week! Didn't manage to catch up with Chris until 1998 but I still had the IOU ( I am a Yorkshire man after all). Fair play to Chris we had a good laugh and he paid me, no interest though!!!

Happy birthday my old mate.

Julian and Carolyn  xx



Happy birthday Keith first met Keith waiting for casino to open 78 with his wooden box of records great days thanks mark



Whilst I dont actually know him I bought a few UK things off him in the record bar at Wigan. Happy birthday Keith 



I personally never got to know Keith, but like so many of us, I have enjoyed his sets during my years.

From the very few conversations I’ve had with Keith, he seems to be a very down to earth person.  I remember walking with him back to his hotel here in Wellingborough, chatting away as you do - I had to stop myself from saying…..”You’re Keith Minshull!”…… Had I done so, I’m sure he would have thought what an idiot I was.

Sorry you’re 70th Birthday is during this current virus situation, but Happy Birthday Keith, and thanks for all you have contributed to our scene.

All the best,

Len :thumbsup:

Mark Oliver


Keith happy 70th birthday and so many happy memories from first the Casino and then through the many years since. Hope you have  a great day. Mark

micky kent


A very happy birthday Keith from Mick Kent (Nottingham) and Karen Kent (see Selman). Great times in the late 70s and early 80s. hope you are keeping safe & well and still loving the music

mick & kaz.jpg



1 hour ago, micky kent said:

A very happy birthday Keith from Mick Kent (Nottingham) and Karen Kent (see Selman). Great times in the late 70s and early 80s. hope you are keeping safe & well and still loving the music

mick & kaz.jpg




1 hour ago, micky kent said:

A very happy birthday Keith from Mick Kent (Nottingham) and Karen Kent (see Selman). Great times in the late 70s and early 80s. hope you are keeping safe & well and still loving the music

mick & kaz.jpg




Happy birthday mate thought you were older than 7o 😂😂just think how many hours we spent going to all nighters and all dayers up and down the country have a good one probably see you around somewhere willie 

The Midnightpies


Happy Birthday Keith, can't wait to be at an event with you 'Spinning the Vinyl' will hang on to your Present 'til then.

Guest Kenny


Happy Birthday Keith, great memories of you at the Torch with  Colin, Martyn, Alan, and Tony (who sadly passed away a few weeks ago). Stay safe, and hope you can soon get out and about.



Kieth.....where do I start?......he’s a legend, he’s one of us, a Stokie from ‘Soul On Trent’. He’s a man who’s been there pretty much from the beginning and he’s still at it now. I’m proud to say I’ve known him since I was a young teenager still at school, when I walked into ‘ ‘Bews’( a toy shop with a record bar upstairs)one sunny June Saturday with some ‘birthday money’ to buy some records. I went thru the toy shop and up the stairs and there he was behind the counter with Colin. I didn’t know either of them, but I knew of them. I ordered 3 records; ‘Sweet Soul Music’ ‘6 x 6’ and ‘Free for all’. The latter was my first proper Northern Record, and a ‘must have’ coz it was huge in Stoke. Kieth grunted at me, took my money, gave me the records and that was it. 

A few years later, we travelled to Wigan together pretty much every week, for a few years, in his Cortina which I drove. It was during those drives together that I came to understand what a quiet, humble, incredibly modest man he is, with fantastic stories to tell about the ‘early days’. He used to relate these to me on journeys to Wigan, Hinckley, Rotherham, Leicester ‘Oddfellows’ niters etc.

He gave me my first ‘proper’ dj spot at a Tiffs Alldayer in the late 70’s, and straight after it sold me a Jock Mitchell WD for £2. Me Kieth and Butch and a bunch of other Stokies, used to go swimming together at Newcastle baths on a Thursday early evening. We used to take great pleasure in all of us jumpin on Kieth and tryin to push him under, but to no avail. He’d just rise up and shake four or five of us off, like we were nothing but  flies on a buffalo’s back lol; he was one strong guy. 

Keith’s had some very very rare records through his hands, but not that you’d always know it, coz he doesn’t shout about it. But I recall him having ‘Lady in Green’ for which he paid £150, and not one,  but 2 copies of the Empires ‘You’re on top girl’, amongst many others. In terms of record- association with Kieth though, it has to be ‘Queen of fools’ and ‘Skiing in the snow’. Both were Stoke anthems at one time. 

He told me a few days ago he’d been involved in this scene for 55 years; that takes some doin. So hats off to the big man from my home town, HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY for Wednesday, and maximum respect always Kieth👍🏽

* Re. the photos below: not sure why JB (Johnny Beggs) is lickin the top of Keith’s head🤔lol. I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation; I just don’t know what it is lol. Maybe it’s a Torch thing, or some kind of secret Stoke initiation ceremony, or maybe something John and Kieth wish to share with us lol. I wondered if, after all these years, John had found a way to get on Keith’s good side to get records cheap lol. Whatever; hopefully John or Kieth will explain😃








I remember Keith working in Bew's in Burslem in 1973 (what a dashing young man!!! 🤣) from where I bought my early Northern Soul records (Johnny Sayles, Bobby Freeman and Lenis Guess). I didn't get to know him until years later through buying far too many records (well someone had to put food on his table) and doing some D.J. work for him. Even at (almost) seventy he still has a great enthusiasm and retains all of that soul music knowledge. Happy birthday Keith 🎂.  Mike

Mick Holdsworth


Happy birthday Keith.

Like so many on here, I have very fond memories going back to the mid seventies when I was in my teens. In recent years he's the only one I know who still wanted a printed record list sent to him.

Very best wishes




happy birthday - but he isnt on line or thats what he told me :(


still got his record



Happy  70th  Birthday


Have a lovely day mate

Love, Peace , Health & Happiness Always x

Blimey its flown over since 72 lots o love 

Tony Foster


Happy 70th Birthday Keith,

Where have the years gone, it doesn't seem five minutes since we were at the Queens celebrating your 40th.  People came from near and far to celebrate and dance to the many tunes you had a hand in making popular on the Northern scene.

I have seen so many DJ's struggle filling a floor and you would come on and say "Watch this?", play one record and it would fill the floor instantly.  I will never forget the rare records you balanced on your head whilst getting the next record to play.  I only wish I had a photo to share of you with a copy of Bobby Kline on your head, while you were playing the Hy-Tones - You don't even know my name, on Southern Artists.

I remember you buying the Hy-Tones at Keele all-nighter in the 90's, doing the last spot which loved so much and packing the floor to a huge round of applause.

When I think back over the years there's not a time I can recall when you were not on the scene, from being a teenager and listening to your spots at Tiffany's all-dayers and Wigan Casino to later years travelling many miles with you to various all-nighters and soul events.  

I recall no matter what you made selling records at a record fair or all-nighter, the money was always spoken for, there was always another record, another rarity to add to your collection and what a collection over the years, or should I say many collections.  As soon as you sold one collection you started again.  You are the original vinyl junkie.

One record that will always remind me of you is Jackie Edwards - I feel so bad, this record had a special place in you heart.  I remember you telling me you sold a collection and before you handed it over you took 2 records, one was Hoagy Lands - The next in line, the other Jackie Edwards.

I could go on sharing memories forever, Keith you are a legend, Happy Birthday have a fantastic day and let there be many more.







Kev John


Just woke Keith up from his beauty sleep & wished him many happy returns for today ...!

Spent many weekends chauffeuring Keith around not just 1 night it could be 3 nights @ weekends

Also ejoyed the chance to DJ for him @ all the events he ran in the Stoke 





Ian Parker


Legend ! 

   Torch, Tiffs etc,  before my time.    but my one (of two) memory,   was at Alfreton " Torch reunion" Niter,  early 80's.........   i wandered to the DJ booth and requested the Tomangoes !    (i know i know). The look i recieved, said it all.     

      The second,  was buying my issue of Darkest Days,  for £4 ,   in Station roads record bar.

                many happy returns KM



A true one-off. If there was an Olympic medal for DJing while balancing a pint of lager on your head, Keith would win it hands down. 
I’ve  had some great laughs with Keith over the years, and hope to have many more.

Happy 70th, Keith.



Happy birthday Keith!!  A man who has been totally commited to the Northern soul scene for 55 years. 

I salute you Keith and hear's to many more years!!




Remember selling Kieth. Skiing in the snow in the Highland room in 72   The next time I saw him was at Prestatyn 31 years later in 2003  happy birthday mate.  Keep up the good work  D & L 



Had my fall outs with him in the pass, but either either Happy birthday mate, have a good un.





He always used to walk straight across the dance floor from the rec bar to the stage, swinging his heavy record box to alert unfortunate dancers he was coming thru.😅.one record ..Kenny Carlton.Atb & thanx Keith.

John Hart


Feliz Compleanos ,Sesenta Anos ,from Malaga ,Spain. 

After the Charm and Chat with Richard , the " MInsh " was Mr Grumpy,  but what a DJ , Never a dud Disc ,.My personal fave " Man with The Golden Touch " A fitting tribute for your contribution to Northern Soul !!

                                                                                    Cheers John .

Platters 81


happy birthday Keith...........who got me backstage to see many of my soul heros....and sold me many fine records.......i salute you sir




Happy Belated Birthday fellow Stokie Mr Minsh 

The funny

(not at the time) - Many memories of being your chauffeur to the casino and many other venue's, in particular an alldayer at (I think it was) Todmorden in an Austin Princess (no idea who it belonged to) and it wouldn't get up 'the hill' you and Tim had to take your record boxes out and carry them up while I pottered all the way up to the top in 1st gear at 5mph!!! 

The un-mentionables

New Year Eve parties at your parents house!!!

The Kindness

Keith ran monthly soul nights at the George Hotel in Burslem, they were really well attended. After the sad death of Dave Alcock, Keith would dedicate that particular night annually as a 'Dave Alcock Memorial Night', and at the end of the evening would present me with a big wad of cash to donate to the charities of Dave's family choice. Keith could have quite easily put that cash in his back pocket, but chose to do a selfless thing. 

A kindness I have never forgotten, I remember it blew Dave's mum away and I'm sure she wrote to Keith to thank him for such a massive gesture year on year.

Hope you had a fabulous day Keith

Sharron P xx

p.s. The only picture I have of you is where you are looking disgusted, while a gang of us are mooning................I wont upload it ☺️



happy birthday keith  remember asking him for jimmy helms romeo and juliet at prestatyn many years ago within 10 min he sent a guy to the his room back he came with one nothing was to much trouble for him have a good one mate 

Mark Oliver


Flyer from Keith's birthday party allnighter at the Princess Suite, Stoke July 29th 1988.  


Mark Oliver


On 01/08/2020 at 13:18, crazylegs said:

Happy Belated Birthday fellow Stokie Mr Minsh 

The funny

(not at the time) - Many memories of being your chauffeur to the casino and many other venue's, in particular an alldayer at (I think it was) Todmorden in an Austin Princess (no idea who it belonged to) and it wouldn't get up 'the hill' you and Tim had to take your record boxes out and carry them up while I pottered all the way up to the top in 1st gear at 5mph!!! 

The un-mentionables

New Year Eve parties at your parents house!!!

The Kindness

Keith ran monthly soul nights at the George Hotel in Burslem, they were really well attended. After the sad death of Dave Alcock, Keith would dedicate that particular night annually as a 'Dave Alcock Memorial Night', and at the end of the evening would present me with a big wad of cash to donate to the charities of Dave's family choice. Keith could have quite easily put that cash in his back pocket, but chose to do a selfless thing. 

A kindness I have never forgotten, I remember it blew Dave's mum away and I'm sure she wrote to Keith to thank him for such a massive gesture year on year.

Hope you had a fabulous day Keith

Sharron P xx

p.s. The only picture I have of you is where you are looking disgusted, while a gang of us are mooning................I wont upload it ☺️

Went to this night and miss my old buddy Dave       

Dave Alcock Memorial Night.jpg



4 hours ago, littlestanley said:

Went to this night and miss my old buddy Dave       

Dave Alcock Memorial Night.jpg

Wow, I made those flyer's 🤣...totally forgotten about them 👍 That was the 1st night of a few.




i was wondering if anybody had any stories/recollections of the Magic Roundabout (not the TV prog)? Colin?



All I can say is happy birthday Keith and thanks for your welcoming kindness to lapsed nighter attendees  like myself at the 100 club and other venues far and wide 



So when I went to my first all-dayer at Top Rank, Hanley, Keith was on the decks.  Rat Race, Duke Browner, Clara Ward, Bob Relf, Dean Parish, Howard Guyton... my ears and eyes were agog and my life has never been the same.  To think I was 14 then, Keith must have been 22 - but he looked sooooo much older!   Belated Happy Birthday old chap!

Simon M


Good one  Soul Sam is 100 next year .....  But what were Keeefs  enders at Stafford ...and thanks for playing Prince Phillip ISH :)



I remember the days in Wigan Casino record back bar. You would be going through a sales box with about 20 records to go to the back of the box, when an arm would come over your shoulder and grab them before you had a chance to look at them!

I saw this happen many times to young collectors. I think it was maybe a bit of fun or to give people a little bit of a working!😁😬😁.




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