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Jazz FM -Ady Croasdell 30 Sep 01

Jazz Fm featured main man Ady Croasdell as main guest this Sunday

Now have real audio clip of 40 mins featuring himself and Richard Searling up on site

Jazz Fm featured main man Ady Croasdell as main guest this Sunday

Now have real audio clip of 40 mins featuring himself and Richard Searling up on site

Link is out of date

Details :

Blenders- big lover

Devonnes-straighten up and fly right

Event guide

phone in from charity alldayer

James Carr - from forthcoming Kent cd -due next month

Eddie Campbell - contagious love - artco - great stuff! from possible forthcoming cd feat Eddie and Ernie Material artco label

Devonnes - someone to treat me the way you used to

Eddie Whitehead - just a fool

Lorraine Chandler - You Cant have enough of that - Unissued RCA - Not out on Cd yet

Ads cut out

If anyone wants the next hour which features also Mike Warburton, Neil Henderson, Paul Welsby with R+B being the focus of discussion both sounds wise and discussion inc Hideaway Club and Kent Cd, either use comments or email and if enough response will throw it up.

site note - goto refosoul radio for clips etc

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