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Internet Madness - Ebay And T***s

Couple of big ones on ebay - Patrinell Staten - little love affair about 20 hours to go and at $2,325.00............

Just setting up me software to do last minute sniping on it... yeah in my dreams.

Word was springers were up at opening bid of $4000 but then mysterily the link went down and no sign of it in searches!

Noticed that theres been a few Oxford Knights knocking around.

Back to internet things, what is it with people, can you inagine standing up in front of 100s of people in the street or a pub and start slagging down someone you obvisouly dont know or havent met , nah dont do it meself, but give some people a keyboard and whooosh off they go, abuse, false facts and so on, ..... wonders of the internet, bet you crank phone calls have died down over last 5 years, they all went out and bought a computer !

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