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The Get Down - New Netflix Tv Series

The Get Down - New Netflix Tv Series magazine cover

Looks like this just released TV series via Netflix may be of some interest...

Set in the 1970s Bronx, The Get Down is a fictionalized account of the birth of hip-hop, as told through the eyes of a group of African-American and Latino teens. As with most Luhrmann films, it’s an odd mix of other films, from Singin’ in the Rain and West Side Story to Super Fly and just about any movie you can name where Judy and Mickey decide to put on a show. And yet, thanks to the involvement of some true hip-hop pioneers including Grandmaster Flash and musical historian Nelson George, the project is suffused with authenticity and affection. 

Above clip from USA Todays review at  http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2016/08/11/review-netflixs-get-down-takes-passionate-look-birth-hip-hop/88493080/


The series is 12 episodes long, 6 are released right now with the other 6 scheduled for next year, seen mixed reviews so far.
aven't watched it yet myself , anyone out there watched it yet and like to pass on their take...?

Just use the comments if you do









Edited by mike

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still trying to find some time to clock this

has anyone out there had a look yet?

Guest soultronic


thanks for the heads up Mike . from the turn the beat around clip this looks like great fun . like your good self not always easy to find some time , but will be watching this at some point ,thanks.


Guest Polyvelts


Seen the first 4. I'm really into it, the costume is great and it really captures the spirit of the time and place

Guest soultronic


yeah ,watched the first three on the bounce and got quite into it ,elements of thank god its Friday and fame in there. will be watching the rest .good fun




Really? I forced myself to watch them all and it's even worse than 'vinyl' and that was pretty cringing and got canned. The only redeeming factor is some of the music, but it's farcical on the whole - the acting, script, and continuity are awful, the dance routines are laughable, and that 'set me free' track is just really irritating. 

Apart from all that I loved it, particularly when it got to the final credits and I thought 'thank f**k that's finished' :)


Steve L


I suppose we've all got different tastes but I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes, looked very poor to me....



  On 25/08/2016 at 19:13, Sutty said:

Really? I forced myself to watch them all and it's even worse than 'vinyl' and that was pretty cringing and got canned. The only redeeming factor is some of the music, but it's farcical on the whole - the acting, script, and continuity are awful, the dance routines are laughable, and that 'set me free' track is just really irritating. 

Apart from all that I loved it, particularly when it got to the final credits and I thought 'thank f**k that's finished' :)



I thought Vinyl was pretty good

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