George Rountree Needs Our Help
help request

George Roundtree, Detroit producer and current music director for the Four Tops. Is currently in intensive care in Illinois. See a note that Ronnie McNeir sent round on Facebook. As you may know health care in the U.S. is a nightmare, so any help would be appreciated
To All Friends, Family and working Associates of George "Tree" Rountree. Musical Conductor of The Four Tops
Our long time friend George (aka Tree) Rountree, conductor of The Four Tops fo...r the last 33 years is in need of your prayers and financial support. Tree recently went to Illinois for a routine Four Tops and Temptations concert date. By the time he arrived, he went into extreme kidney failure; he was taken to a local hospital ICU in Moline, Illinois. It is reported that his condition is extremely critical. As most of you know, Tree has under gone two kidney transplants.
Doctors are trying everything to keep him from going into a coma state.
Recent economic times have brought a lot of financial short comings for George and his wife Beverly. As a result there is nothing left in the money jar for rent, food, utilities or even airfare for Beverly to go be with her husband. I am asking, if you are able, to extend a prayer and money offering to help them in this moment of greatest need.
Tree with The Four Tops has touched many of our lives. Here is an opportunity to give back and touch his. A Paypal account is set up to accept your donations on behalf of the Rountrees.
Please follow this link and enter the amount you would like to donate
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